In the world of GTA Online, going alone is fine but having a squad is better.
Rockstar Social Club allows players to join or put together their own squad and roll under the same banner. These crews are highly customizable and give you and your squad a chance to display your personality on the streets of Los Santos.
Apart from this, Rockstar also gives significant bonuses and features that are exclusive to players belonging to a crew.
Also read: How to make a crew in GTA 5
Why to join/make a crew in GTA Online?
1. Level up faster (Bonus RP)

Having an active crew and completing jobs with them offers players a bonus percentage of RP per job. Rockstar awards 20% RP for a friend and an extra 10% RP for crew members in GTA Online. For optimal results during 2x or 3x bonus weeks, complete adversary modes or races with crewmates for large amounts of RP.
2. Custom crew emblems

Rockstar Social Club allows crew founders to design their own crew emblem for GTA Online. The possibilities are virtually endless as players have tonnes of designs, decals, and shapes to craft their masterpieces. This crew emblem can be used across various in-game items to truly wear your personality in GTA Online.
Also read: GTA Online: How to create cool Emblems for your Crew.
3. Crew actions
What screams dominance more than rolling up to a rival squad with your entire crew' synchronized taunting right in their face before starting a firefight. While setting up a crew, the crew leader can set up a universal emote that is common to all crew members for the ultimate flex of solidarity against their rivals.
4. Crew sessions
"Got a beef to settle with a rival Crew? Create an Open Crew Session to go head to head against them in a lobby – or set a Closed Crew Session to be matched up with strictly members of your Crew for a little intramural skirmish Online."
5. Crew emblem vehicle decals

Players can wear their crew emblems with pride during their rides. Simply drive into any mod shop in GTA Online, and you can spray your squad's logo right onto your cars. What better way to represent your gang than tearing down the LS freeway at 150 MPH with your colors on the side?