Most players will agree that doing heists with a crew is one of the best feelings in GTA Online.
While it is nice to meet new players when playing with randoms, the chances of getting frustrated cannot be ignored. The advantages of playing with a trusted crew the player personally knows far outweigh the advantages of playing with random players in GTA Online. If players aren't sure as to why that might be the case, then this article should enlighten them.
Predictably, this article is for inexperienced and new players of GTA Online. If players don't know how to make friends in GTA Online, then there are several methods they should consider. First, they can befriend people in the game itself. Second, they can use various social media sites or apps to see if other players are looking for crewmates in GTA Online.
Five reasons to play Heists with a crew in GTA Online
#5 - It's less frustrating than playing with randoms

Most GTA Online heists require playing with other players from start to finish. Here, players have two options: they can either play with random players and hope for the best or play with people they know. For most gamers, the latter option is more appealing when it's available.
The problem many players have with random players in GTA Online heists is that it can be a crapshoot as to whether or not they'll be competent. Sometimes, players get random trolls that make it their life's purpose to ruin the heist near the end of it. Other times, inexperienced players have no idea what to do.
#4 - It's fun

Doing a heist with friends can be a blast for more reasons than just the core gameplay itself. For example, players can be on voice chat messing around or talking about heist strategies. There are multiple ways to play GTA Online, so doing any of them with a crew is awesome.
Whether a crew is playing efficiently or not, it's always more fun to do so with buddies by one's side. Sometimes, gamers can discuss random topics with one another while they grind out the numerous heists in GTA Online.
#3 - Novices can be carried by more skilled players

While random players can occasionally learn from skilled players in GTA Online heists, there's no guarantee. What's more likely to occur is that better players end up frustrated and flaming the noob for doing everything wrong.
See, it's much easier for friends to teach their buddies the ins and outs of a particular heist than relying on randoms to do so. For starters, friends know one another well enough to help them when asked. It's a small detail, but a significant one when an inexperienced player is looking to get good at GTA Online.
Another detail often glossed over is the fact players can learn a new heist together. Even if GTA Online is an old game, that doesn't mean that there aren't new players playing the game as a group and discovering new things.
#2 - Players can know when to do heists

Sometimes, players get busy with other events in their life. However, having a crew that is on GTA Online from time to time can make it easier to schedule various gaming sessions when that doesn't happen. Without a crew, a player can do heists whenever they want with randoms, to varying degrees of success.
However, having a crew to do heists with means that players can consistently complete GTA Online heists (unless the crew is terrible, in that case, it's good game, better luck next time). Consistency is key to lessening frustration, maximizing fun, and making the best possible profit in GTA Online.
#1 - Grinding for money

When everybody is on the same page, all GTA Online content becomes a breeze. If everything is easy, then it should come across as no surprise that players can grind it out for hours for an easy profit. Considering that heists are among the most profitable activities, then it should be easy to see why having the ability to grind it out effortlessly is a huge boon in GTA Online.
Money is the single most important resource to farm in GTA Online. If a player can grind it easily with their friends, then that will save them a lot of time in the long run. They won't have to worry about failing heists, or about other moneymaking methods.
Note: This article reflects the writer’s personal views.