The GTA Online experience has been a spectrum where the player base loved and despised various things from time to time. While Rockstar Games continues to make it a revolutionary experience, some aspects of the game are no longer able to hold the players' interest. The game's age and lack of major changes are also causing some players to leave it. Nevertheless, many players regularly play the game while waiting for the upcoming GTA 6 release.
This article lists five things in GTA Online that are no longer fun to do in 2024.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer’s opinions. The listing is not in any order.
5 things in GTA Online that are no longer interesting in 2024
1) Hanging out in public lobbies

While Rockstar Games intends fans to play GTA Online with other players, public lobbies are no longer fun to join. One of the main reasons is the griefers. This category of players join crowded lobbies just to ruin other’s gameplay experience without any reason. As a result, the studio had to allow players to operate everything in Invite Only lobbies. Since then, a majority of players now play in private sessions only.
Another reason for this is because of the hackers and modders in Grand Theft Auto Online PC lobbies. Unlike griefers, modders can ruin your gameplay experience remotely without you even knowing how or who did it.
2) Freemode activities
Rockstar Games offers various Freemode challenges and events that spawn when you have a certain number of players in a lobby. While these were once one of the best ways to make money in GTA Online while also having fun, only a handful of players do them nowadays.
There are two main reasons for this: the studio offers an underwhelming amount of rewards for completing the Freemode activities, and most of the players are only available in solo private sessions where these missions do not spawn. Moreover, the low number of participants also makes the challenges less interesting.
3) CEO/VIP Works
The CEO/VIP Works were among the best ways to make money for beginners in GTA Online. While you can still do them today, they don't feel as much fun as before. Firstly, the rewards from these missions are very low. While they may look enough for beginners, once you gain experience and see the in-game economy, you’ll realize that doing CEO/VIP Works is not worth the effort.
Moreover, most of these missions require multiple GTA Online players under your organization, which is a challenge in itself. To make things worse, some missions also encourage other players in the lobby to kill you.
4) Selling business goods
Although selling business goods is one of the best ways to make money in the game, the process is lengthy and very tiresome. Even the best businesses in GTA Online are not free of this issue.
While Rockstar Games has introduced some revolutionary changes in some of the newest businesses, the old businesses in GTA Online are still mostly unchanged. Moreover, most players tend to leave the sell mission if the game spawns slow-moving vehicles for deliveries.
5) Fighting with the NPCs

Fighting with the NPCs is no longer fun in GTA Online in 2024. While regular pedestrians are too weak and can die with a single hit, the police and army feel too overpowered because of their auto-aim.
Making the law enforcement NPCs aimbot is one of the biggest mistakes Rockstar Games made in Grand Theft Auto Online. They can kill you with a few shots even if you are moving away at a high speed. Earlier, clashing with the Merryweather or US Army was one of the most fun activities, but now it just feels unnecessarily dangerous.