Lunar New Year celebrations have commenced in GTA Online with the January 23, 2025, weekly update. Along with the usual bonuses on certain in-game jobs, and discounts, fresh content has also been added from the Agents of Sabotage DLC's drip feed. In a nutshell, there are some exciting things for gamers to engross themselves in for the next few days.
In this article, we will look at five things to do in GTA Online this week, that is from January 23 until 30, 2025.
Note - This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.
Here are 5 things to do in GTA Online this week (January 23-30, 2025)
1) Hunt down the brand-new collectible
GTA Online Yuanbao is a brand new collectible added with the January 23, 2025, weekly update. All one needs to do is look for them across the map of Los Santos and Blaine County, and collect when spotted.
However, the task isn't as simple as it sounds, because their locations are not marked on the map. Nevertheless, the incentive for finding them is a decent payout, which is $888 per collectible, and $88,888 for finding them all (36 in total), along with an exclusive outfit.
2) Check out the new races
Three Lunar New Year Stunt Races have also been added with the January 23 weekly update. They are named Lunar New Year - Lap of Honor, Lunar New Year - Spectacle, and Lunar New Year - The Big Bash. The payout isn't huge, but Rockstar has doubled it this week. The races themselves are pretty exciting and worth checking out.
Additionally, playing any of these three new Stunt Races will unlock an exclusive time-limited Lunar New Year livery for the Maibatsu Penumbra FF sports car. It will be delivered within 72 hours of unlocking.
3) Complete this week's challenge
The GTA Online Lunar New Year update has presented a fresh Weekly Challenge, and that is winning any two Stunt Races. Doing so will reward a $100,000 bonus, which is a pretty good amount.
Doing this will not be easy, but there is potential to have a lot of fun due to the thrilling nature of these races. Trying to beat the challenge via the new additions in this category can further provide a sense of freshness in this 11-year-old title.
4) Try to win a removed vehicle
Several vehicles were removed from GTA Online in the summer of 2023. A few of them are now made available occasionally during weekly updates, and one of them, Grotti Stinger GT, is up for grabs at the moment.
This sports classics car is available to win as the Diamond Casino Podium Vehicle this week. To win it, players must visit the casino and spin The Lucky Wheel inside. The chances of winning are slim, but the car is worth trying for, especially as a free reward.
5) Buy the After Hours business
GTA Online Nightclub, introduced with 2018's After Hours DLC, is one of the best businesses in the game. This week, Rockstar Games has discounted its properties and optional upgrades by 30%.
Those not in possession of this establishment in Los Santos should definitely go for it while the discounts are active. It is easy to operate and helps in making a lot of money over time. The business' daily income rate, and Yohan Goods Missions rewards have also been doubled for this week.
Also check: Rockstar finally adds new content to GTA 5 Online which isn't a car