In a medium like video games, copying industry titans like GTA is a great way to make a lot of money; hence the introduction of the term GTA clones.
Contrary to popular opinion, the GTA series did not invent its gameplay style. However, it did popularize the 3D sandbox-style many gamers have been accustomed to for the last 20 years, which has led to some other games being given the title of a "GTA clone" for emulating that style.
Whether it's warranted or not isn't relevant to this article. Instead, this article will focus on the traits players commonly associate with these so-called GTA clones. Being called a GTA clone isn't as common today as it was back then, but old-school gamers can attest to the many arguments they had online regarding this topic.
Five common traits GTA clones tend to have
#5 - Similar UI

Most GTA fans associate GTA clones with the blatant copying of GTA's UI. Typically, there will be a minimap on the bottom left, and health and ammo on the top right of the screen.
The minimap aspect will either be circular or rectangular, with the classic "N" marker (which stands for north) sometimes appearing in GTA clones to allow for easier accessibility.
#4 - Open world with mission markers

In order to market most of these GTA clones, these types of games will usually have an open world that players can explore at their leisure. If they wish to progress with the story, they will just go to a mission marker like how they would do so in every GTA title since GTA 3.
It's a good system, so it's understandable that so many GTA clones would copy it. This feature is often combined with the similar UI entry listed above (like the minimap), which is often one of the most foretelling examples of whether or not a game could be classified as a GTA clone.
#3 - Police and a Wanted Level system

If players commit too many crimes, they're bound to attract unwanted attention in both the GTA series and in the numerous GTA clones it has inspired. While it is realistic for police to go after criminals, many GTA clones use GTA's system way too often.
Typically, there will be a Wanted Level clone that escalates more of whatever the Wanted Level equivalent is in that GTA clone. Modern GTA clones have even sought to copy GTA's newer model, where players have to escape from an officer's sight and escape their search perimeters to reduce it.
#2 - Stealing vehicles

3D open worlds are often too difficult to explore on foot. Predictably, this means that players will often have to rely on vehicles to get around these large maps. Unfortunately, many GTA clones just resort to allowing players to steal random pedestrian vehicles.
#1 - Playing as a criminal in a non-linear open world

There are many ways to tackle a non-linear open world in a video game, but many GTA clones just do the basic "play as a criminal" approach. Even popular GTA clones like the Saints Row series have done this, which makes it interesting that so many games have taken a similar approach.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.