GTA Online is home to a wide variety of different types of players that everyone is bound to see at some point.
There are many types of players, but not all of them are universal. Some types of players, such as counterhackers, fall into several categories (as some of them do hack to combat other hackers). Ergo, this list focuses more on general types of players.
Considering there are hundreds of thousands of players in GTA Online, a player is bound to run into at least one of these types in a play session. With the game's chaotic nature, it isn't surprising to see these types of players run rampant in GTA Online.
Five different types of players commonly seen in GTA Online
#5 - The Kid

It's fine for children to play video games, but the kids in GTA Online are infamous for some of their tendencies. They're often called squeakers, but they can also be distinguished by leaving their mics on all the time. This is also complemented by the fact the player might hear their parents arguing, a dog barking, or some other random noise that's often swiftly muted.
There's also a subset of this archetype where they're genuinely nice and easily blend-in in GTA Online. They're also impressed by what the player does, sometimes annoying them with questions.
#4 - The Random Group

GTA Online is an online game, so it shouldn't be a surprise that everyone would eventually run into a group of friends. More often than not, they're causing chaos somewhere and are trying to use the numbers-advantage to win. Typically, these types of players are in groups of two to four, but larger ones might be prevalent in some lobbies.
Given the nature of these types of players, they often blend in with other players in the background. Sometimes they're doing business missions, and sometimes they're chilling in a safehouse. In the worst-case scenario, they're a group of griefers looking to stir up some trouble.
#3 - The Passive Mode Player

Some players just don't want anything to do with anybody else. If they're not sulking in a safe location, they're outside with Passive Mode enabled. These types of players in GTA Online tend to stick to themselves. However, they're not necessarily anti-social.
Some Passive Mode people like to taunt other players to try and kill them. Others just like to relax and enjoy GTA Online for the world it has. Griefers hate these types of players, while other archetypes just ignore them and move on with their business.
#2 - Modder

Oftentimes, there are two types of modders: the benevolent kind and the malevolent kind. The former is beloved, as they might drop rare vehicles, ammo, and millions of dollars for other players to pick up. Unfortunately, these types of players are quite rare to see.
Even worse is that it seems like malicious modders are more common. They insta-kill the player while applying God mode to themselves. Some players have even been locked into silly animations, making them unable to play GTA Online. It's also important to note that some gamers claim to be modders, but only do so to try and intimidate others.
#1 - Griefer

It's a common sight seeing an Oppressor Mk II flying about, shooting down unsuspecting players. Likewise, it's a common sight for the person driving it to be a griefer. They exist solely to ruin a player's experience in a lobby, often forcing them to swap to another.
It's also especially common for these types of players to send questionable messages to the player, particularly in instances where the latter kills them. Another regular occurrence some griefers have is that they may follow one player and continually kill them to raise their K/D. They also purposely mess up heists just to waste other people's time (especially near the end).