Had it not been for all the amazing characters featured in the series, the GTA games would have had a hard time garnering such a global response.
However, not every character manages to meet the bar raised by some of the more compelling characters featured in the series. Despite having interesting personalities, some fail to reach the pedestal GTA fans have come to expect from every featured character.
This article dives into five of the most underwhelming characters from the GTA series.
These characters have been a massive bummer in the GTA
#5 Stretch
Stretch could have been one of the most memorable protagonists of all time. He definitely had the potential. His limited screen time, however, made him rather forgettable for fans of the GTA series.
While Stretch didn't have an underwhelming personality, what Rockstar did to him was pretty underwhelming. His profound backstory and antagonistic motives could've made him one of the best characters from the entire series. Unfortunately, Stretch, like many GTA characters, didn't get the end he deserved.
#4 Ryder
Ryder, unlike Stretch, didn't even have what it takes to be an unforgettable villain. In fact, his involvement in C.R.A.S.H. didn't make a whole lot of sense. To most players, it felt as if Ryder was just there to fill an empty canvas and fulfill the 'shock element' Rockstar had in mind.
Unfortunately, Ryder didn't do an excellent job of 'shocking' anyone. Big Smoke had always been a big part of Grove Street families. Hence, his betrayal towards the end of the game created just the right kind of tension in the community. Ryder, on the other hand, ended up being just another underwhelming villain from the GTA series.
#3 Ling Shan

Ling Shan was the real deal. A badass woman with a solid personality. One of the best women from the GTA series. Yet she suffered the worst of fates in the game: an insignificant death of obscurity.
Perhaps her anticlimactic ending would have made more sense had she been given a good enough purpose to die for. Instead, Ling Shan is only seen in the game for some of the most basic missions before dropping dead out of nowhere. It was a shame to see such an important archetype go down without a proper ending.
#2 Big Bear

Big Bear is one of those characters Rockstar chucks into the game for the sake of diversity. Empty of any real personality and lacking in the GTA series's quirks, Big Bear is arguably the most forgettable character from the entire series.
Indeed, his role in the game is questionable, especially since he merely hangs around in two missions as a minor character.
#1 Catalina
Catalina is not underwhelming because she is not memorable. On the contrary, she is underwhelming because she is unforgettable in a bad way. One cannot recall a more frustrating character from the GTA series than Catalina. Her crazy attitude and blood-curdling screams had the power to drive anyone insane, let alone the poor player who knows nothing of the underworld (hopefully).
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.