GTA 6 is just a few years away as insiders and experts expect a 2024-25 release for the highly-anticipated title. Rockstar Games has informed fans that more resources are being allocated towards the project.
That said, fans have been talking about what the game might be like, what it should include and where it might be set for quite some time now. Speaking of what it should consist of, it is better NPC AI.
This article talks about how developers can improve upon pre-existing NPC mechanics.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.
GTA 6 should have improved NPC AI and here's how
1) Routine
NPCs, or non-playable characters, are not just place fillers in games. They should always have a purpose and a set routine to make things more immersive.
GTA NPCs are good, but Rockstar outdid themselves with Red Dead Redemption 2. As the video above clearly shows, the three random NPCs (which also include a dog) all have a set of tasks to complete throughout the day.
The farmer behaves like a real one would during the period the game is set in. The same applies to the lumberjack. The dog, however, is the icing on the cake, as it was not really needed, and hardly any players would have noticed the effort that went into that.
2) Variety
With huge maps in open-world games, developers have a hard time introducing variety as far as NPCs are concerned. For a 2013 game, GTA 5 did all right, but once again, RDR 2 knocked fans out with a number of unique NPCs.
NPCs may be random people walking on the street, gang members, police officers, and a lot more. That said, the more realistic the variations, the more immersive the game becomes.
However, variety should also not be introduced at random. For instance, the population of younger NPCs can hang out near a nightclub, or suspicious characters can loiter near banks/casinos/jewelry stores.
3) Interactions
GTA 5 does a fantastic job with NPCs interacting with the world. The people of Los Santos can often be seen indulging in activities like taking rides at the pier, police chasing down criminals, and much more.
However, these instances are few and far between, especially in story mode. Being a large open world space, Los Santos and Blaine County have a lot going on in various places.
More detailing could also add a ton of value. As shown in the clip above, there is no reaction from the cab driver after the LSPD cruiser crashes into his car. He could have been injured, unconscious, angry, or just scared.
4) Interactions with players
Most modern titles give gamers the ability to interact with NPCs. Earlier, it was just called NPCs, but players can chat up any random stranger. In GTA 5, these are triggered automatically, and a very noticeable instance occurs when following NPCs for a bit.
In RDR 2, however, the protagonist also has the option to reply, which is excellent. For instance, after the initial bar fight at Valentine's, the town folk are weary of Arthur's presence. They throw a slew of negative comments his way, to which gamers can reply with either an apology or clap back.
Similarly, when the law comes looking for either John or Arthur, there is an option to apologize and get away with minor crimes like disturbing the peace.
GTA 6 could improve on this tried and tested mechanic and bring out more possibilities.
5) Police
The LSPD in GTA 5 has become a meme at this point, and players find something funny to share almost daily. The game's Wanted system is broken as well.
GTA 6 can work on this to make things more believable and closer to the real world. People are not getting shot to death for just punching others, as shown in the video.
When chasing criminals, the police in Los Santos also have no regard for collateral damage. They can be seen randomly destroying property and running over civilians.
The upcoming game has loads of expectations pinned on it and has some of the largest shoes to fill, owing to GTA 5's continued success.
Be it online or story-mode, the NPC AI in Grand Theft Auto could use a lot of work.