One of the biggest factors in GTA 5 fans buying the new edition on the next-gen consoles is to experience never-before-seen graphics improvements. The 4K resolution and ray tracing are just some of the features that only PC and next-gen gamers will be able to experience.
However, with the game's release in just a few days, gamers have managed to glean a lot more information. Unfortunately, this information has led many to think that the game may not be as impressive as it was once stated to be.
This article will discuss five ways in which the GTA 5 Expanded & Enhanced might not live up to player expectations.
Next gen GTA 5 might have missed a few things
5) The Mile High Club still won't be finished

There has been a lot of discussion about the Mile High Club building since GTA 5 was released way back in 2013. Many players over the years have queried whether it might be completed one day, following an update to the game. Unfortunately, this has still never come to fruition.
These hopes were reignited with GTA 5 Expanded & Enhanced release, with Twitter and Reddit lighting up with discussions of whether gamers could expect the newly built structure. Since there has been no definitive news, players are no longer holding their breath.
4) Limited vehicles to upgrade at Hao's
While the news about Hao's Special Works is fantastic, it falls short by limiting the number of cars that can take full advantage of its new features. Gamers already know five new cars will be introduced and a further five already in the game that can be upgraded in Hao's shop.
While this is good, many players expected this new workshop to be available to all vehicles in the game in one way or another. This is quite a letdown that only ten cars can utilize this new property.
3) Pricing too high
The above Tweet explains GTA 5 Expanded & Enhanced pricing across platforms and includes the information that there is currently a 50% discount on the game until June 14, 2022. The GTA Online standalone is still, of course, free for the PS5 for the first three months after its release.
Many gamers feel that the standard pricing of $39.99 is a bit too expensive for a game that has simply had a facelift and not much expansive content added. Players would be much happier if the price remained around the current halfway mark as it stands.
2) Not enough new interiors

Aside from Hoa's Special works being added as a new property in the game, there has been no news about more new properties or locations. While this is disappointing, most fans were resigned to the fact that not too much would change with the building and interiors of the game.
It will, of course, be a letdown for gamers to find out that there are no more interiors to buildings in GTA 5 Expanded & Enhanced. It was indeed a feature that the community felt Rockstar could have pulled off if they wanted.
1) No new story mode missions

One of the biggest grievances that gamers are going to have is the fact that no new story mode missions are being added. Of course, the story cannot be completely changed; however, many hoped for a reimagining of some of the missions.
It is possible but unlikely that Rockstar will be able to add more Story Mode DLC on the next-gen consoles. The likelihood is that they will be waiting for brand new everything in GTA 6.