GTA 3 Hidden Packages are collectibles that reward cash as well as various other useful in-game items at certain checkpoints. There are a hundred of them to find across the three islands of Liberty City, that is Portland, Staunton, and Shoreside Vale. This Rockstar Games title doesn't offer as much content as its successors, which is why collectibles like Hidden Packages help keep players entertained besides story missions.
Additionally, while the task is pretty time-consuming and can be a bit challenging, much like many other collectibles throughout the series' installments, the rewards make this one worth all the effort.
Let's take a look at all 100 GTA 3 Hidden Package locations.
GTA 3 Hidden Packages: Locations, rewards, and everything else you should know
GTA 3 Hidden Packages appear as taped white floating packages, and you must walk through them to collect them. There are 100 Hidden Packages to find in Liberty City.
It should be noted that the game's map unlocks gradually as one progresses through the campaign. So, if you would like to collect them in one go, it is better to do so after completing GTA 3 story mode. However, given the rewards, you should consider grabbing at least a few during the campaign, as that would help with gameplay.
GTA 3 Hidden Packages: Locations
The following images of the GTA 3 map depict all Hidden Package locations across Portland, Staunton, and Shoreside Vale via blue dots. Here are the Hidden Package locations for Portland:

Here are the Hidden Package locations for Staunton:

Here are the Hidden Package locations for Shoreside Vale:

Not all Hidden Packages are on ground level. Some will be on buildings, or the subway tracks, so check these locations thoroughly.
GTA 3 Hidden Packages: Rewards
Collecting each Hidden Package rewards $1,000. Collecting all 100 packages rewards the Rocket Launcher and $1,000,000.
Every tenth collection will also spawn a weapon outside your safehouses in Liberty City. Furthermore, collecting the 50th Hidden Package spawns an Armor pickup outside your safehouses in GTA 3.
Are GTA 3 Hidden Packages mandatory for 100% completion?
Yes, Collecting all 100 Hidden Packages is mandatory for contributing towards 100% completion of Grand Theft Auto 3.
Also check: GTA 3 strategy guide