GTA Online offers many options to players when choosing their mission types. Players are spoiled for choice whether to run around in a Deathmatch with friends or join in on one of the dozens of different kinds of races dotted around the map.
One such mission comes in the form of a Daily Objective where players have to participate in the Special Race Series.
This should not overwhelm any GTA fans, especially any beginners. Instead, they should look at it as a form of training and preparation for any GTA Online scenario, current or future.
Special Race Series in GTA Online: How to start
Upon checking their Interaction Menu someday in GTA Online, the players will see the Daily Objective to "Participate in the Special Race Series". As the Daily Objectives change every 24 hours in GTA Online, this objective might only come around once every so often, so players need to keep their eyes peeled.
While playing GTA Online, if the player does see a Special Race Series objective appear, they can follow the next steps to get involved. In fact, there are two easy ways.
The first way is as follows:
- Pull up your phone in GTA Online
- Select "Quick Job"
- Select a Special Race Series, for example: Stunt Races > Rocket Voltic- The Loop.
This is one way of completing this Daily Objective in GTA Online.
Another way to enter the Special Race Series in GTA Online is by locating one of the race logos on your map. The logo for Special Race Series looks like a steering wheel from a sports car and is not usually hard to find.
Players don't even have to slowly scour the map for this little steering wheel when the easy navigation tool on the right of the screen allows scrolling through all locations on the map in GTA Online. Simply scroll down to find the preferred target.
Now with all the right tools at a player's disposal, why not jump right in and hone those driving skills with some of the Special Race Series events? These altered and exciting races are sure to keep the player entertained and improve their driving skills by miles.
Players should also not forget to keep checking those Daily Objectives to help them level up and earn some extra RP and possibly some $ for the bank account.