For the longest time in GTA Online, the Buzzard has been the go-to chopper for players who are looking to do VIP/CEO Work. For many players, the Buzzard is the ultimate utility vehicle as it can make life much easier in the game.
With each new title update, players look for ways to replace their old vehicles with new ones that might serve them better. With the Cayo Perico Heist DLC, the Sparrow emerged as a clear favorite amongst the community as one of the fastest ways to get around in GTA Online.
The Sparrow is extremely quick and supremely nimble, being able to make tight turns without much effort. However, its abysmal health seems to be an issue for many players as it explodes at the slightest contact.
With both the Buzzard and Sparrow available for purchase, which chopper should a GTA Online player invest in?
Which helicopter should the players buy in GTA Online?
Buzzard Attack Chopper: GTA$1,750,000
Sparrow: GTA$1,815,000
The Sparrow is only slightly more expensive than the Buzzard Attack Chopper, but that does not tell the whole story.
The Sparrow can only be stored in the Kostaka Moon Pool. So, the player will need to shell out quite a lot of money in order to get themselves a Sparrow.
The Buzzard Attack Chopper can be as a Pegasus Vehicle or in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft.
The Buzzard has a slight edge over the Sparrow in terms of pricing as it can be stored in different places, as well as the player being able to spawn it close to themselves if they're a CEO or on a Helipad by calling Pegasus.
Performance and utility
The Sparrow is undoubtedly quicker of the two, mostly down to its less weighty and more nimble design. Both the helicopters can carry similar weaponry, therefore, being on footing in that respect.
The Sparrow, which is faster and more nimble of the two, also has abysmal health and cannot take much punishment before it explodes into flames. The Buzzard doesn't have great health, either, but is only slightly better than the Sparrow in that department.
The Sparrow is an extremely useful vehicle in the game and one that might perform admirably to suit the player's needs. Both the Buzzard Attack Chopper and Sparrow's ability to spawn close to the player makes it a priceless commodity in GTA Online.
However, the difference comes as a result of how much the player is willing to spend to do VIP/CEO work. The Kostaka Moon Pool does not come for cheap and the Submarine itself can cost quite a bit.
Therefore, if players already own a Buzzard, there is no immediate need to make the switch over to the Sparrow any time soon. So as it stands, it seems like the Buzzard will continue to reign supreme as one of the best vehicles in the game and is certainly worth every cent of its price tag.