GTA 5 Online is loved by people of all ages - workaholic adults, nerdy teens, school-going kids... the list is endless.
The diversity of fans makes one question: Is it possible to play GTA 5 Online for free? After all, most teens depend on a paltry allowance that doesn't cover 'non-essential' forms of entertainment like subscriptions and video games.
People who are strapped for cash often look for means to play the game without having to pay for it, which isn't always a cakewalk or even legal. Pirating the game makes the computer prone to all sorts of viruses and malware since offline versions of the game aren't as readily available as one might imagine.
Can GTA 5 Online be accessed for free?

GTA 5 Online, being one of the most popular games of all time, has been subject to duplication and piracy ever since its long-awaited release.
While there are sites on the internet that allow players to access pirated versions of the game, they're too sketchy to be trusted, and as mentioned before, are susceptible to all sorts of viruses and hacking mechanisms. Not only can these sites damage the player's computer, but they can also get them banned from the GTA server permanently.
GTA 5 Online is the second best-selling game in the world and the most financially fruitful entertainment product of all time. Rockstar depends on its sales to create better products and doesn't take kindly to sites that infringe copyright by making unauthorized copies.
While it's a pity that the game isn't available for free (there are people out there who genuinely can't afford it), pirating it is still a bad idea since most Online sites are either plagued by viruses or packed with ads.
People on a budget can hold their horses and save up for the game. It doesn't cost a fortune and is definitely worth every penny. The wait will also be worth it as the original game is simply terrific.
So the short and legal answer is: No, GTA 5 Online cannot be played for free. The sites that allow its piracy do not guarantee the safety of the player's computer and are too sluggish to properly deliver the stunning effect GTA 5 Online is popular for.