So many around the world expected a GTA 6 trailer in October 2022. It is unquestionably the most hyped game for most players. However, the scariest thing about the spooky season was the lack of any GTA 6 trailer or other related news.
There were two particular dates in mind:
- October 21, 2022
- October 29, 2022
The first date was erroneously listed as the 25th anniversary of the series on sources like the GTA Wiki, only for it to end up not being the case. Similarly, October 29, 2022, was listed as the 20th anniversary of GTA Vice City.
Speculation was brewing all over the internet during this time period, but Rockstar revealed nothing about the upcoming title.
No official GTA 6 trailer arrived in October 2022

Back on February 4, 2022, Rockstar Games made a tweet confirming that GTA 6 was in development, with the most important part being:
"We're pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the series is underway."
Thus, fans knew that the game had made some good progress. That same day also featured Rockstar talking about "sharing more as soon as we are ready." Several months passed by, and the only revelation Rockstar Games addressed was the mega-leak on September 18, 2022.
While that was important, nothing was officially revealed about the upcoming title then. Hence, players speculated that some news would possibly arrive later this year, with October being a popular topic of discussion.
Why was October 2022 mass speculated to be the special month?
The aforementioned rumors of the GTA franchise's 25th anniversary, as well as GTA Vice City's 20th anniversary, were all that was needed to make speculation go rampant. November 28, 1997, is now the accepted release date for GTA 1 as opposed to October 21, 1997, since the latter date was wrong.
That would explain why nothing was ever going to happen on the 25th anniversary that didn't exist. Nonetheless, that hot topic was a point of discussion among many around that time. Misinformation spreading was unfortunate, but that didn't address the GTA Vice City 20th anniversary rumors.
For all intents and purposes, GTA Vice City was released nearly 20 years ago in late October. Rockstar Games didn't even acknowledge it on Twitter. GTA 6's setting was leaked to be Vice City; hence, many gamers thought it would be appropriate to see a trailer on such a momentous occasion.
Alas, no GTA 6 trailer was dropped.
Keep expectations in check
It's not uncommon for gamers to hope for the arrival of a GTA 6 announcement on a specific date. However, they were only met with disappointment. Unless Rockstar Games announces something, don't expect a trailer to drop. Many players have set unrealistic expectations that Rockstar Games has to reveal the game simply because of something arbitrary.
For example, some expected a trailer to coincide with the UFO event in GTA Online. While some players joked about it (like the above tweet), others took it more seriously, perhaps out of copium.
As unfortunate as it is, there is nothing that gamers can do except wait for Rockstar Games to announce GTA 6 on their own terms.