GTA RP is a phenomenon that recently rose in popularity. It's often responsible for GTA 5 being one of the most watched games on Twitch.
GTA RP is essentially roleplaying in GTA 5. With the help of mods, players can join GTA RP servers to roleplay their wildest fantasies. Some GTA RP servers are realistic, while others allow players to roleplay more criminal activities. Regardless of a player's preference for a specific GTA RP server, it's undeniable that GTA RP has experienced a rise in popularity as a whole.
The most popular GTA RP server, NoPixel, plays a crucial role in that rise in popularity. Streamers have a surprising amount of influence in what their followers are interested in, and GTA RP's popularity is indicative of that statement. NoPixel 3.0 is the most recent version, with NoPixel 4.0 being worked on as of the time of writing.
The origins of GTA RP

Roleplaying has been around for a very long time. Unsurprisingly, this means that roleplaying in GTA has been around since the first game. Predictably, it was nowhere near as popular or as widespread as it is with modern GTA RP servers.
The most prevalent GTA RP server since the early days was DOJRP, which stood for Department of Justice Roleplaying. They have been roleplaying since 2013 in GTA 4, right around the time GTA 5 was released. However, the true origins of GTA RP are a little muddier in terms of clarity, as there is some debate as to how it truly started.
Exploring GTA RP's rise in popularity

As one might notice, GTA RP is recently on the uptick in terms of popularity. Long before that, GTA RP received a huge uptick in Google searches around March 17-23, 2019. It was around that time that GTA RP was trending on Twitch through various streamers like Uberhaxornova, Koil and Vader, who played on the NoPixel server.
Naturally, as the trend above may suggest, the hype would settle down a little after its initial burst of Google searches. However, one should also notice that the average amount of Google searches was more than twice as high as it was before March 17, 2019.
The many GTA RP servers thereafter

Unsurprisingly, more GTA RP servers started to be released once GTA RP was becoming more popular. Other than the aforementioned NoPixel GTA RP, there's Eclipse RP (capable of hosting 200 players at a time), GTA RP (entirely text-based), and Mafia City (which deals with both legal and illegal activities).
It's not uncommon to find a GTA RP streamer with over 10,000 viewers on Twitch at any given moment. NoPixel is, by far, the premier GTA RP of choice, but smaller GTA RP servers are also available to watch on Twitch, albeit with fewer viewers.
More on the origins of GTA RP

Unfortunately, documentation on various GTA RP servers is severely lacking. There are several articles detailing the creation of individual characters, but finding info on specific GTA RP servers and the history behind them is surprisingly difficult. Of course, roleplaying in GTA precedes GTA 5, that much is clear.
Why GTA RP is popular

GTA is incredibly popular as a franchise, so an offshoot of it is bound to catch some views. The dedication and effort put into the GTA RP servers over the years play a large role in how GTA RP has become so popular. With the popular NoPixel, one can attribute its success to how Koil created it.
Roleplaying and other nerdy activities like comic books and video games have become more acceptable in the eyes of the public. There are even instances where they've transcended into the mainstream, and all of these minor factors help contribute to GTA RP's popularity.