When it comes to revisiting old Grand Theft Auto games, GTA 3 is one of the most popular in the series. The 2001 title is not only a forerunner in the franchise, but also in the modern video game industry. It was the first to feature a 3D open-world experience with superior graphics quality at the time.
However, when compared to modern-day gaming, Grand Theft Auto 3 falls short in terms of features and graphics. While Rockstar Games and Grove Street Games attempted to modernize the game, it failed to meet fans' expectations and is still chastised to this day.
Meanwhile, fans
continue to improve the game on their own, and popular YouTuber INTER created a remastered version using Unreal Engine 5’s technology and Grand Theft Auto 5's mods.
GTA 3’s Unreal Engine remaster makes it better than the Definitive Edition
On September 7, 2022, INTER posted a video titled "GTA III Remake - Unreal Engine 5 Gameplay Concept Demo made with GTA 5 PC Mods," in which they demonstrated how the 3D game would look like in the modern era.T
he YouTuber did not name the mods used However, based
on the footage it can be assumed that they used several ReShade presets, Grand Theft Auto 5's driving, running, walking, and combat mechanics, and many others.
While Liberty City already made an appearance in the HD Universe with GTA 4, it was rebuked for being too dark and gloomy. However, the Unreal Engine remaster has made the city look bright and beautiful like modern times, while also retaining its grayish signature tone.

While the original Claude in GTA 3 has a slightly wide and short body posture, the YouTuber presumably used Michael De Santa's character model to remaster Claude in the HD Universe. This is also evident when the protagonist pants like Michael after a long run.
On February 15, 2023, INTER released another video titled "GTA III 2001 vs 2023 - RTX OFF vs ON Graphics Comparison - Grand Theft Auto 3 Remake," in which they compared the original and remastered versions of the game.
In the video above, readers can clearly see significant differences between the two versions of the game. While the original brings back memories of playing it for the first time, the remastered entices players to return to Liberty City, but with more modern and improved graphics.
Star Junction is more vibrant and has more characters. The number of pedestrians, vehicles, and other environmental elements is also dense. Although the excessive puddles here and there are more of a novelty factor to flex reflections and shadows, it does demonstrate the perfect ray tracing of the RTX graphics driver.

The Mohawk Avenue in the Hove Beach area, where the events of Grand Theft Auto 4 begin, also looks bright and beautiful with a picturesque tone.

While the gameplay is visually appealing, players should keep in mind that the YouTuber used high-performance Nvidia graphics drivers to achieve the shown results.