GTA Online players with a need for speed should consider the Ocelot brand.
The British manufacturer is a counterpart to the real-life Jaguar company. GTA Online players can choose between a strong selection of sporty vehicles. Whether it's the Pariah or the Penetrator, players can't go wrong with these decisions. If it's the speed they want, it's the speed they're going to get.
Ocelot vehicles often boast enormous top speeds and quick acceleration. Some of them are even classified as race cars in the game. Players will likely have to spend a lot of money just to buy them. Nonetheless, Ocelot vehicles will get them from Point A to Point B in the blink of an eye.
Speedy Ocelot vehicles in GTA Online
5) Ocelot R88 (122 mph)
The R88 is essentially the GTA Online version of a Formula One car. It's notoriously expensive, with a massive price tag of $3,115,000.
It's a very unique vehicle with special properties, such as the ability to drive on walls. The R88 can also avoid crash deformation by getting rid of its body kit, although it will result in a performance downgrade.
GTA Online players will likely enjoy its tight handling and superior braking power. It will also reach top speeds very quickly.
4) Ocelot XA-21 (122.50 mph)
The XA-21 is yet another costly vehicle by GTA Online standards. Players can get themselves one for $2,375,000.
This supercar is in a league of its own, especially in terms of traction and cornering. The XA-21 relies on its high grip power, which allows it to make the sharpest turns with ease.
3) Ocelot Penetrator (124 mph)
When it comes to high top speed, the Penetrator is one of the best in its class. It's also relatively cheaper than most sports cars at $880,000.
The Penetrator is a very competitive vehicle in sports races. It uses a combination of speed and handling to get ahead of other drivers. However, players do need to be careful when steering this vehicle. Otherwise, they could end up power-sliding at 90-degree turns.
2) Ocelot Jugular (126.5 mph)
Based on the Mercedes-Benz 300SL, this vehicle costs $1,225,000. However, players can also buy it at the trade price of $918,750.
The Jugular is remarkable for its quick acceleration, thanks to the layout of its all-wheel drive. Players also have great traction when driving this vehicle. However, it's mostly average in all the other categories.
1) Ocelot Pariah (136 mph)
This Ocelot vehicle is one of the very few not based on a Jaguar car. Instead, it takes inspiration from the real world Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato. GTA Online players will need to fork over $1,420,000 to have one.
Nonetheless, the Pariah is one of the fastest vehicles in the entire game, let alone the Ocelot brand. It completely excels in all major categories, which makes it the perfect vehicle for high-speed races. It's absolutely worth a purchase if players are into sports cars.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.