Since it will not be easy, GTA Vice City players should brace themselves for a 100% completion run.
Older games in the series tend to be merciless in difficulty. Most players are just content with finishing the story for GTA Vice City. However, some players seek a more daring challenge, so they partake in 100% completion. Patience and skills are required for this run.
GTA Vice City players will be rewarded with a nice shirt, a full set of bodyguards, and 200 health and armor. 100% completion will take a while since most of its requirements are time-consuming. At the very least, players can use this as a bragging rights achievement.
Most challenging aspects of completing GTA Vice City 100%
5) Collecting all hidden packages
Even with a guide, this will take a long while. There are 100 hidden packages all over Vice City. True to its name, they are often placed in secretive areas. For example, one hidden package requires a boat to reach a bungalow. Keep in mind that players cannot swim in GTA Vice City.
Out of all these requirements, players should finish this one first. Each set of ten packages will unlock powerful weapons at a safehouse, such as a flamethrower or rocket launcher.
4) Finding all Unique Stunt Jumps
GTA Vice City players will need a guide since finding them is a pain without one. Stunt Jumps require players to land their vehicle perfectly. If they mess up the landing, they have to go back.
To avoid this frustrating process, players should try using a PCJ-600 motorcycle. It's a smaller vehicle, making it unlikely to crash into objects like a regular car. Players can also control their landings a bit easier.
3) Finishing every Rampage
Rampages were a proud staple of the early games. These challenges require players to eliminate a certain number of enemies, all within a strict time limit. They also had to use a specific weapon for the challenge.
GTA Vice City players will have to master every weapon type in this game. Whether it's using a vehicle or a sniper rifle, these are not going to be easy. The katana one is notoriously hard to pull off since players are left defenseless against multiple enemies.
2) Completing all story and gang missions
This game has some challenging missions. Whether it's Demolition Man or The Driver, players will likely restart multiple times.
GTA Vice City missions tend to be difficult for several reasons. Sometimes players have to use cumbersome RC controls. There are other times when they have to race in a much slower vehicle. Regardless of the reason, it can be a frustrating experience trying to finish these missions.
1) Passing the PCJ Playground challenge
Simply put, the PCJ Playground challenge requires extreme precision. Players only have 120 seconds to complete a single run. They cannot miss a single checkpoint in this challenge. However, they also have to make several jumps without crashing.
Players will have to practice this one multiple times to understand the layout. They cannot afford to lose any time here since they aren't given much, to begin with. A perfect run takes a while to pull off successfully.