GTA 4 Girlfriends Guide: All you need to know

gta 4 girlfriends guide
A beginner's guide to date girlfriends in GTA 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

If you are finding it difficult to date and impress the girls in Grand Theft Auto 4, then this GTA 4 girlfriends guide will help you. After GTA San Andreas, Rockstar Games brought back the girlfriend dating feature in 2008. While it’s a side activity and not required for 100% game completion, there are some subtle hints that can help players understand how the dating system works. If you still need help, follow this GTA 4 girlfriends guide.


Note: The guide contains spoilers about the plot of the game. Some parts of this article are subjective and only reflect the writer’s opinion.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Understanding the basics

Niko Bellic may be an outsider, but he is a charm among the ladies (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko Bellic may be an outsider, but he is a charm among the ladies (Image via Rockstar Games)

Rockstar Games added a total of five girlfriends in GTA 4. While it is less than San Andreas, you’ll be surprised to know that the 2008’s dating system is more detailed and interesting. As a matter of fact, it is the best dating/hangout minigame in the entire Grand Theft Auto series so far.


These are the five girlfriends that you will be dating with the help of the GTA 4 girlfriends guide:-

  1. Karen Daniels
  2. Kate McReary
  3. Carmen Ortiz
  4. Kiki Jenkins
  5. Alexandra “Alex” Chilton

Similar to San Andreas, you will be meeting Karen and Kate by progressing in the storyline. The others are very well hidden in the game, and you will have to fish them out using the in-game dating websites. The dating process mostly comprises asking out your partner(s) from time to time, taking them to places they like, and bringing them back home.


Each of the girlfriends has different likings, pass-time activities, and offers different perks and services. If you think it thoroughly, the in-game dating system is very similar to real life where you have to know various intricate details of your partner(s) and apply them.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Dating Karen Daniels aka Michelle

Michelle’s apartment location in Rotterdam Hill in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Michelle’s apartment location in Rotterdam Hill in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Basic summary

  • Datable after: First Date mission
  • Timings: Between 6:00 AM and 11:00 PM
  • Cloth preference(s): Russian Shop, Hats, Glasses
  • Vehicle preference(s): Banshee, Blista Compact, Merit, Roman's Taxi, Voodoo

Karen Daniels is the first love interest Niko Bellic meets in the Grand Theft Auto 4 storyline. The protagonist first encounters her during the mission ‘Three's a Crowd’, and later cements their relationship during the mission ‘First Date’. After that, Niko can take Michelle out on dates several times, until the mission ‘The Snow Storm’.


If you think the GTA San Andreas girlfriends guide is elaborate, then wait until you learn about the GTA 4 friends and girlfriends guide. Michelle is an undercover agent who works for the International Affairs Agency. She was sent by Agent ULP to make Niko fall into their trap. As a result, she has less number of demands compared to some other girls in the GTA IV girlfriends guide.

Still, you should drive the aforementioned cars and wear the clothes while going to meet her. The following are some activities and how much Michelle likes them during a date:

  • Bowling (60%)
  • Darts (80%)
  • Pool (80%)
  • Strip Club (0%)
  • Perestroika (50%)
  • Split Sides (75%)
  • Cluckin' Bell (50%)
  • Burger Shot (50%)
  • Diners (60%)
  • Pizza This... (60%)
  • Mr. Fuk's Rice Box (50%)
  • Superstar Café (50%)
  • Comrades Bar (60%)
  • Steinway Beer Garden (70%)
  • Lucky Winkles (70%)
  • Jerkov's (50%)
  • Club Liberty (50%)

After a few dates, Niko Bellic should get the option to “try his luck” after a successful completion of the date. But, after ‘The Snow Storm’ mission, Michelle will not be available to date anymore. She returns in Grand Theft Auto 5 and in one of the heists in GTA Online.


GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Dating Kate McReary

Niko Bellic outside Kate McReary’s house in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko Bellic outside Kate McReary’s house in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Basic summary

  • Datable after: Waste Not Want Knots mission
  • Timings: Between 8:00 AM and 12:00 AM
  • Cloth preference(s): Modo
  • Vehicle preference(s): Comet, Habanero, Patriot, Rebla, Super GT

Kate McReary is the sister of Patrick, Francis, Gerald, and Derrick McReary, and is technically the only serious girlfriend of Niko Bellic. Despite belonging to a crime family, Kate is a very reserved girl who also advises Niko to pursue a life of good deeds.

She is a gentle girl and the GTA 4 girlfriends guide advises you to remember the following activities and their like percentages to keep Kate McReary happy:

  • Bowling (0%)
  • Darts (80%)
  • Pool (80%)
  • Strip Club (0%)
  • Perestroika (0%)
  • Split Sides (0%)
  • Cluckin' Bell (50%)
  • Burger Shot (50%)
  • Diners (60%)
  • Pizza This... (60%)
  • Mr. Fuk's Rice Box (50%)
  • Superstar Café (50%)
  • Comrades Bar (60%)
  • Steinway Beer Garden (70%)
  • Lucky Winkles (70%)
  • Jerkov's (50%)
  • Club Liberty (50%)

Kate McReary is a very demure and mindful girl who dates Niko Bellic just to spend good times with him. Therefore, GTA 4 girlfriends guide readers are advised not to waste their time “trying their luck” with her, as she will not accept the proposal at all regardless of how well the date goes.


It is worth noting that Kate dies in the storyline if you choose the Revenge option during the mission ‘One Last Thing’. Regardless of how her fate goes, Kate McReary will be unavailable to date towards the end of the game.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Dating Carmen Ortiz aka SoBoHoe

Niko Bellic with Carmen Ortiz during a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko Bellic with Carmen Ortiz during a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Basic summary

  • Datable after: Out of the Closet mission
  • Timings: Between 1:00 PM and 6:00 AM
  • Cloth preference(s): Modo, Perseus, Glasses
  • Vehicle preference(s): Contender, Dukes, Cavalcade FXT, Stallion, Sultan RS

Carmen Ortiz is the first girl Niko Bellic can manually date in Grand Theft Auto 4. She can be found on the website (process mentioned below) where you can approach her to establish your first contact. Once the communication has been established, the GTA 4 girlfriends guide advises to you do the following activities to progress the relationship with Carmen:

  • Bowling (70%)
  • Darts (80%)
  • Pool (60%)
  • Strip Club (80%)
  • Perestroika (80%)
  • Split Sides (80%)
  • Cluckin' Bell (50%)
  • Burger Shot (50%)
  • Diners (50%)
  • Pizza This... (60%)
  • Mr. Fuk's Rice Box (50%)
  • Superstar Café (50%)
  • Comrades Bar (90%)
  • Steinway Beer Garden (90%)
  • Lucky Winkles (90%)
  • Jerkov's (90%)
  • Club Liberty (90%)

The list shows that you can do almost all activities with Carmen Ortiz and not care about whether or not she likes it. She is a rowdy girl who likes money, expensive clothes, and luxury cars. Unlike other girls in the GTA IV friends and girlfriends guide, Carmen does not complain if you drive the car fast during a date. Instead, she will actively cheer for you.


You can always “try your luck” with Carmen after a date and expect a positive response.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Dating Kiki Jenkins aka LawChick

Niko Bellic with Kiki Jenkins during a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko Bellic with Kiki Jenkins during a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Basic summary

  • Datable after: Out of the Closet and Blow Your Cover missions
  • Timings: Between 6:00 AM and 2:00 AM
  • Cloth preference(s): Russian Shop, Hats
  • Vehicle preference(s): Chavos, Dilettante, Marbelle, Washington, Willard

Kiki Jenkins is the second girlfriend in Grand Theft Auto 4 that you can manually unlock from the website. She is a lawyer who often talks about how the state law is biased against immigrants.

Kiki is a very problematic character not only from a moral standpoint but also for Niko Bellic. If you ignore her long enough and hang out with another girlfriend(s) and friend(s) she will start bothering you with calls, and threatening messages, and will even damage your car on your back.


Therefore, GTA 4 girlfriends guide readers are advised to keep her happy and do the following activities:

  • Bowling (80%)
  • Darts (80%)
  • Pool (80%)
  • Perestroika (80%)
  • Split Sides (80%)
  • Cluckin' Bell (65%)
  • Burger Shot (65%)
  • Diners (65%)
  • Pizza This... (65%)
  • Mr. Fuk's Rice Box (65%)
  • Superstar Café (65%)
  • Comrades Bar (65%)
  • Steinway Beer Garden (70%)
  • Lucky Winkles (70%)
  • Jerkov's (85%)
  • Club Liberty (85%)

Grand Theft Auto fans must avoid going to the strip club with Kiki Jenkins or picking up prostitutes while with her. If you do these activities, she will start fighting with you and the prostitute.


For a perfect first date, you should bring a Dilettante and take Kiki to the Jerkov's bar. Then, take her back to her place and “try your luck” to continue dating her.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Dating Alexandra “Alex” Chilton aka Liberated Woman

Niko Bellic looking at Alexandra “Alex” Chilton's page for a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko Bellic looking at Alexandra “Alex” Chilton's page for a date in Grand Theft Auto 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Basic summary

  • Datable after: Blow Your Cover mission
  • Timings: Between 6:00 AM and 2:00 AM
  • Cloth preference(s): Perseus
  • Vehicle preference(s): Cognoscenti, Huntley Sport, Infernus, Stretch, Turismo, and Bikes

Alexandra “Alex” Chilton the the last datable girlfriend and the only woman in the GTA 4 girlfriends guide that you can meet through the website.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide players should do the following activities to keep Alexandra “Alex” Chilton happy:

  • Bowling (80%)
  • Darts (80%)
  • Pool (80%)
  • Strip Club (80%)
  • Perestroika (80%)
  • Split Sides (80%)
  • Cluckin' Bell (50%)
  • Burger Shot (50%)
  • Diners (60%)
  • Pizza This... (60%)
  • Mr. Fuk's Rice Box (50%)
  • Superstar Café (50%)
  • Comrades Bar (60%)
  • Steinway Beer Garden (70%)
  • Lucky Winkles (70%)
  • Jerkov's (50%)
  • Club Liberty (50%)

For the perfect first impression, GTA players should take her to a show at the Split Sides Comedy Club driving an Infernus. If everything goes well, you can “try your luck” to get her phone number and continue dating her.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide readers should note that Alexandra “Alex” Chilton dates a person only to gather material to write on her blog Once Niko Bellic starts dating her, she will write about her experience on the in-game website after a few days. Therefore, you should keep her happy during the dates.


If you ruin the first date with any of the internet girlfriends in Grand Theft Auto 4 for any reason, you should not worry as Rockstar Games gives you multiple chances to restart the process. Niko Bellic will have to wait three in-game days and visit the aforementioned websites again to see the girls.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: How to use

The homepage of the website (Image via Rockstar Games)
The homepage of the website (Image via Rockstar Games)

To find the internet girlfriends, you must follow the below steps:

  1. Visit any of the internet cafes and log into the Web.
  2. Click on the LoveMeet thumbnail that appears on the website.
  3. Click on Female in the FindLove box.
  4. Search for any of the aforementioned girls and click more.
  5. Scroll down and click on Date.
  6. After a few days, you should get an email for the girl. Reply positively to set up the first date.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: How to use

The homepage of the website (Image via Rockstar Games)
The homepage of the website (Image via Rockstar Games)

The website is a little different from However, you can find Alex using the following steps:

  1. On the eyefind homepage, type and press enter.
  2. Click on Women Seeking Men in the Crap Personals box.
  3. Search and click on the link "Party girl seeks man for NSA fun and blog material - 29".
  4. Scroll down and click on Contact Me.
  5. After a few days, you should get an email from her. Reply positively to set up the first date.

GTA 4 girlfriends guide: Perks from the girls

Niko and Carmen Ortiz in GTA 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)
Niko and Carmen Ortiz in GTA 4 (Image via Rockstar Games)

The internet girlfriends on Niko Bellic can unlock special perks for him after reaching a fondness level of 80%. They are as follows:

  • Carmen Ortiz: Health boost.
  • Kiki Jenkins: Remove up to three-star Wanted Level.
  • Alexandra Chilton: Clothing store discount for the rest of the day.

However, GTA 4 girlfriends guide readers should note that they will lose the dating privilege with these girls if the fondness level goes below 15%.

In a nutshell, the dating system in Grand Theft Auto 4 is a great coping mechanism and allows players to explore the hidden details while also giving them a purpose.

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Edited by Ashmita Bhatt
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