The first game from the iconic and renowned Grand Theft Auto series was released back in 1997. Since then, the series has come a long way and built a massive and loyal fan base. The last instalment, GTA 5, came out in 2013 and was the first game from the franchise that provided the feature of playing with three protagonists.
Just like its predecessors, GTA 5 achieved incredible records and garnered a revenue of $815 million in the first 24 hours of its release, which roughly equates to 11.21 million copies sold. This title also broke several other records.
GTA 5 is available on the following platforms.
- PlayStation 3
- Xbox 360
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox One
- Microsoft Windows
It will be released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021.
Such is the popularity of the game that several websites and videos claim to provide the players with download links of the APK files of the game. Many unsuspecting players also fall prey to them. In this article, we discuss the legitimacy and legality of such Android APK files of GTA 5.
GTA 5 APK download for Android mobile: Beware of illegal files circulating on the internet
Since the game is available on the platforms stated above, and isn’t officially released for the Android platform, any such files mentioned above aren’t supported by the developers and are likely to be fake and illegal.
So, the claims made by third-party websites and videos are also faux. The files being circulated are not only illegitimate but can also contain viruses that might harm the device. Players must avoid downloading and installing the files being circulated on the internet, as there is no option to play the game as a standalone on the Android platform.
Also, if players are eager to play the game on mobiles, they can use the Steam Link option.
Users can also try the other games from the series that are available on the Android platform, like:
- GTA 3
- GTA: Vice City
- GTA: San Andreas
- GTA: Chinatown Wars
- GTA: Liberty City Stories