GTA 5 is one of the most ssuccessful games from the entire franchise. Most players fondly remember playing the older titles from the popular Grand Theft Auto series with a piece of paper containing cheat codes right beside them. Rockstar Games are one of the few developers that still incorporate cheat codes in their games. Even the latest instalment of the series, GTA 5, includes several cheat codes.
Cheat codes are those special methods which allow gamers access to advantages such as more lives, power, extra equipment and higher levels. These cheat codes that are created by the developer may also be known as Easter eggs that are hidden in the game. Here are all the GTA 5 cheat codes in a PDF download link, for you to save them offline and refer whenever needed.
How to enter cheat codes in GTA 5: PDF downloaded link
Open the console by pressing the (~). Enter the cheat code and you are good to go.
GTA 5 cheat codes PDF
Some players often look out for the PDF file of the GTA 5 cheat codes. Here is the download link for the PDF file that players can refer to whenever they need to enter cheats in the game.
Full list of cheat codes for GTA 5
Here are all the GTA 5 cheat codes for PC that players can use whenever they start the game on Story Mode:
- Invincibility – PAINKILLER (1-999-724-6545537)
- Max health & armour – TURTLE (1-999-887-853)
- Recharge ability – POWERUP (1-999-769-3787)
- Skyfall – SKYFALL (1-999-759-3255)
- Drunk mode – LIQUOR (1-999-547867)
- Higher wanted level – FUGITIVE (1-999-384-48483)
- Lower wanted level – LAWYERUP (1-999-529-93787)
- Run faster – CATCHME (1-999-228-2463)
- Super jump – HOPTOIT (1-999-467-8648)
- Swim faster – GOTGILLS (1-999-46844557)
- Give parachute – SKYDIVE (1-999-759-3483)
- All weapons – TOOLUP (1-999-866-587)
- Explosive melee attacks – HOTHANDS (1-999-468-42637)
- Aiming in slow motion – DEADEYE (1-999-332-3393)
- Flaming ammo – INCENDIARY (1-999-4623-634279)
- Explosive rounds – (HIGHEX-1-999-444-439)
- Spawn Armed chopper – BUZZOFF (1-999-289-9633)
- Spawn Stunt plane – BARNSTORM (1-999-227-678-676)
- Spawn Duster plane – FLYSPRAY (1-999-359-77729)
- Spawn Sanchez – OFFROAD (1-999-633-7623)
- Spawn PCJ-600 – ROCKET (1-999-762-538)
- Spawn Garbage truck – TRASHED (1-999-872-7433)
- Spawn Comet – COMET (1-999-266-38)
- Spawn Rapid GT – RAPIDGT (1-999-727-4348)
- Spawn Limousine – VINEWOOD (1-999-846-39663)
- Spawn Caddy – HOLEIN1 (1-999-4653-461)
- Spawn BMX – BANDIT (1 999-226-348)
- Change weather – MAKEITRAIN (1-999-625-348-7246)
- Slow motion – SLOWMO (1-999-756-966)
- Change gravity – FLOATER (1-999-356-2837)
- Reduce friction – SNOWDAY (1-999-766-9329)