The GTA franchise is one that has spanned for nearly 23 years and is still going strong, perhaps stronger than any other franchise in history.
With nearly 16 titles in the franchise spanning across multiple consoles, there is no doubt that the GTA franchise is one of the successful gaming franchises of all time.
At the heart of the GTA games, underneath all the gunfire and satire, lies the basic idea of GTA games: they are fun.
Rockstar Games ensured that the GTA games will offer the most amount of fun in any game in the market. They accomplished this by giving the player a tonne of freedom to explore and interact with the game world.
But perhaps most of all, they incorporated cheats and cheat codes. Cheat Codes had been a huge part of gaming in the previous era of gaming. Over time, the presence of cheat codes died out in modern AAA games.
However, the GTA franchise has stuck its guns and upheld the tradition of cheat codes over all platforms, including the PS4.
Also Read: GTA 5: Vanilla Unicorn
GTA 5 Cheats for PS4

- Weapons and Ammo: TRIANGLE, R2, LEFT, L1, X, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1
- Full Armor and Health: O, L1, Triangle, R2, X ,Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
- Lower Wanted Level cheat: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left
- Raise Wanted Level cheat: R1 - R1 - O - R2 - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right
- Give Parachute: Left - Right - L1 - L2 - R1 - R2 - R2 - Left - Left - Right - L1
However, there is no outright cheat code for Unlimited Money on PS4, there is a way to make a tonne of money in GTA 5 very easily and fast.
Read: How to Make A Lot of Money Really Fast in GTA 5?