Signal jammers are a collectable item in the GTA 5 Online series. The jammers made their entry into the game as a part of 'The Diamond Casino Heist" on the 12th of December 2019.
There are 50 signal jammers scattered around the GTA 5 map. Every signal jammer destroyed in GTA 5 earns players a total of $2000 and 1000 RP (Reputation points). When the entire mission is completed, players earn a reward of $50,000.
Where are the 50 signal jammers in GTA 5?
Navigating the vast lands of San Andreas could be a daunting task, though. Fortunately, the GTA Online community has taken the hardship upon themselves and curated a map with all 50 GTA 5 Signal jammer locations.
As an additional reward, players get to unlock a new character called Avi Schwartzman.
Here is how GTA.Fandom describes Avi.
Avi is a hacker that used to work with Lester Crest. He is described by Lester as a very paranoid person.
Originally, Lester assigns players the task to find Avi and deliver the transponder thatwas recovered from the Pacific Standard during a 'Signal' mission. This is where players are first introduced to Avi as a hacker whose job is to hack into the Pacific Standard bank frequency.
However, Avi is captured by the government agencies in GTA 5 later on.
He has also quite a reputation for being one the most expensive hackers available, taking upto 10% from the final take in Diamond Casion Heist.
If a player enters the vault undetected, he/she receives $ 3.3 million from Avi that gets reduced to $ 2.26 if the team is detected.
As for the jammers in GTA 5, as soon as you destroy the first signal jammer, Lester drops you a message that appears as an in-game notification on your cellphone.
The message reads:
"Did you just take a SecuroServ transmitter offline? My old friend Avi Schwartzman has been saying the goverment is blocking his radio transmissions for years... He's a useful man to know. If you can destroy the rest of the signal jammers like that one, he'll make it worth your while."
For the most part, the majority of the signal jammers are on towers or antennas. Having your auto-lock on helps you get through the challenge quickly.