GTA 5 has Bail Bond missions where players can turn in reprobates in exchange for rewards. These missions are a part of the Strangers and Freaks mission in GTA 5. If you are playing the game with Trevor Philips, you will find it listed in his Hobby and Pastime.

A character named Maude Eccles will send you an email before you can catch reprobates for her. You have the option to catch the reprobates dead or alive in GTA 5. However, if you want to enjoy the bounty of $10000, then you have to bring them to Maude alive.
Larry Tupper in GTA 5
One of the targets that Trevor needs to find is Larry Tupper. He is the second reprobate that you are required to catch after Ralph Ostrowski. He is wanted for manufacturing an illegal drug named methamphetamine.
Larry will be guarded by his goons and will definitely try to escape. So, you need to make sure that you quickly kill the goons so that you can chase him down. Making Larry surrender will not be very difficult.
Larry Tupper’s Location

Many GTA 5 players find it difficult to track down Larry Tupper’s hideout. Before you set out to look for him, Maude will send an email to Trevor saying:
“Hi Handsome. If my sources serve me correctly, this pillar of society has been spotted hiding out in an old barn with a few of his cronies. He's a meth dealer with a history of violence so you two should get along just fine :)”
From this, it can be deduced that Larry is located towards the southwest of Harmony. He can be found hiding near a barn in a deserted farm in Great Chaparral.