Stunt jumps have been a big part of GTA games since the 3D era began, and have always been a fun element of the game. These are essentially hidden ramps propelling vehicles into slow-motion jumps.
There are a total of 50 stunt jumps hidden all across Los Santos and Los Santos County in GTA 5. The Stunt Jumps Collectables are required to reach 100% game completion and will also earn you the "Show Off" trophy & achievement.
Below is a guide to the locations of all the 50 Stunt Jumps found in GTA 5, so that you do not have to go about searching the entire play area just to complete the set. Using this guide will save you both time and hard work
Location of all stunt jumps in GTA 5

Location 1: Vinewood Hills
Location 2: Little Seoul
Location 3: North Calafia Way
Location 4: Paleto Bay
Location 5: Raton Pass
Location 6: Elgin Avenue Parking Garage
Location 7: Parking Garage on Peaceful Street
Location 8: Del Perro Freeway Overpass
Location 9: Equality Way
Location 10: Rockford Plaza
Location 11: Vinewood Hills
Location 12: Mount Gordo
Location 13: South of Boilinbroke Penitentiary
Location 14: Pillbox Hill West Entrance
Location 15: Little Seoul/Decker St
Location 16: South Los Santos
Location 17: Police Station Parking Structure
Location 18: Overpass Above San Andreas Blvd
Location 19: Construction Site in Paleto Bay
Location 20: Senora Freeway
Location 21: Los Santos Golf Club
Location 22: Docks, South Port of Los Santos
Location 23: Sandy Shores
Location 24: Los Santos Freeway Flood Drains
Location 25:South Los Santos, Medical Building
Location 26: La Puerta Freeway
Location 27: Los Santos Airport
Location 28: Pacific Bluffs
Location 29: Sandyy Shores Landing Strip
Location 30: Dutch London St
Location 31: Terminal, Port Los Santos
Location 32: Alternative Wind Farm in Sandy Shores
Location 33: Elysian Island
Location 34: Port of Los Santos
Location 35: South End of Port of Los Santos
Location 36: Port of Los Santos South of Jump 34
Location 37: Port of Los Santos, Beside Jump 34
Locaiton 38: Port of Los Santos, Souther Section
Location 39: Port of Los Santos, East Side
Location 40: Port of Los Santos, South of Railroad
Location 41: Los Santos Airport, Circular Road East
Location 42: Los Santos Airport, Circular Road West
Location 43: Los Santos Drain Control
Location 44: Palomino Avenue
Location 45: La Puerta Freeway
Location 46: Del Perro Freeway
Location 47: Rockford Hills Arcade
Location 48: Rockford Hills
Location 49:Murrieta Oil Field
Location 50: Elysian on the South Side of Chum Street
(source: ign gta collectibles)