A GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide will help Nightclub owners understand how the business operates and how to manage the technicians to make the most profits. It is one of the most complicated businesses in the multiplayer version of Grand Theft Auto 5. Another important thing to note is that this isn't a business for beginners as the Nightclub technicians rely on some of the other businesses you own in the game.
Nonetheless, the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide will explain how they work and what prerequisites are needed to make the most out of the business.
Note: Some parts of this GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide are subjective and only reflect the writer’s opinions.
GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide: Understanding the basics

The Nightclub is without a doubt one of the best businesses in GTA 5 Online that experienced players can own. When you purchase the property, it comes with a complimentary technician named Yohan Blair. However, Rockstar lets you hire four more technicians to operate the business smoothly.
GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide readers should note that the business is actually a front for smuggling various illegal substances in Los Santos. It deals in seven illegal products, and you get five technicians to handle the operations.
However, identifying the most profitable products and assigning the technicians properly are crucial for making money in GTA 5 Online. If you do it without proper knowledge and planning, your Nightclub may take months to generate the desired profits.
How to hire all technicians in the Nightclub business in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online

To hire all the technicians, properly set up the Nightclub business first in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online. Once the business is up and running, GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide readers should follow these steps:
- Register as a Boss (CEO or MC Club President).
- Go to the computer inside the Nightclub Office.
- Press the required button to access the Nightclub Office computer.
- Click on the Warehouse Management tab. You should see the images of all six technicians with Yohan Blair already being unlocked.
- Click on the Hire button on the next technician’s profile near Yohan’s.
Keep in mind that you can hire the Nightclub technicians in the chronological order shown in the Warehouse Management tab. Each of them has different hiring costs. So, you should have plenty of money beforehand. The following are all the Nightclub technicians and their hiring costs:
- Yohan Blair: Free
- Tech 2: $141,000
- Tech 3: $184,500
- Tech 4: $240,500
- Tech 5: $312,000
However, before you assign them to work, understand the products your Nightclub business deals in.
Also read: Grand Theft Auto 5 business guide
Understanding the Nightclub products in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online

The Warehouse Management tab in the Office computer shows that the Nightclub business deals in the following seven products:
- Cargo and Shipments
- Sporting Goods
- South American Imports
- Pharmaceutical Research
- Organic Produce
- Printing & Copying
- Cash Creation
The products may sound familiar as they are just renamed versions of some of the CEO and Motorcycle Club businesses in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online. Here are the products and businesses they're related to:
- Cargo and Shipments - Special Cargo Warehouse and Hangar
- Sporting Goods - Bunker
- South American Imports - Cocaine Lockup
- Pharmaceutical Research - Methamphetamine Lab
- Organic Produce - Weed Farm
- Printing & Copying - Document Forgery Office
- Cash Creation - Counterfeit Cash Factory
GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide followers should note that they must own the aforementioned businesses so that the technicians can be assigned to collect the related product(s). If you don't own any of the businesses, its related product will remain unobtainable in the Warehouse Management tab.

Like the original businesses, each product has a different value inside the Nightclub as well. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide suggests you memorize the following list properly:
- South American Imports: $27,000 per crate
- Pharmaceutical Research: $11,475 per crate
- Cargo and Shipments $10,000 per crate
- Sporting Goods: $5,000 per crate
- Cash Creation: $4,725 per crate
- Organic Produce: $2,025 per crate
- Printing & Copying: $1,350 per crate
The products also have different storage capacities:
- Cargo and Shipments: 50 units
- Sporting Goods: 100 units
- South American Imports: 10 units
- Pharmaceutical Research: 20 units
- Organic Produce: 80 units
- Printing & Copying: 60 units
- Cash Creation: 40 units
If you max out all of the products, the following will be their values:
- Cargo and Shipments: $10,000 x 50 Units = $500,000
- Sporting Goods: $5,000 x 100 Units = $500,000
- South American Imports: $27,000 x 10 Units = $270,000
- Pharmaceutical Research: $11,475 x 20 Units = $229,500
- Cash Creation: $4,725 x 40 Units = $189,000
- Organic Produce: $2,025 x 80 Units = $162,000
- Printing & Copying: $1,350 x 60 Units = $81,000
The figures show that Cargo and Shipments, Sporting Goods, South American Imports, Pharmaceutical Research, and Cash Creation are the top five most profit-generating products inside the business. Therefore, the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to assign your technicians to collect these products first.
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How to assign Nightclub technicians in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online

Assigning the Nightclub technicians can be quite confusing for first-time users. There are seven different products and you can only source five at the same time using the workers. As mentioned in the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide, you must also own the respective business(s) to source them in the Nightclub Warehouse.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to assign the Nightclub technicians properly:
- In the Warehouse Management tab, click on Yohan Blair’s profile.
- Next, click on any of the products you want to source. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to select Cargo and Shipments for him.
- Click on the second technician’s profile.
- Click on any of the products you want to source. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to select Sporting Goods for him.
- Click on the third technician’s profile.
- Click on any of the products you want to source. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to select South American Imports for him.
- Click on the fourth technician’s profile.
- Click on any of the products you want to source. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to select Pharmaceutical Research for him.
- Click on the fifth technician’s profile.
- Click on any of the products you want to source. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to select Cash Creation for him.
Once you assign them all, they will start sourcing the products in the background. You don’t have to do anything except be active in the game. It is highly likely that the South American Imports and Pharmaceutical Research products will fill up quicker than others as their storage space is only 10 and 20 units, respectively. If this happens, GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide readers should follow these steps:
- Click on the technicians’ profiles until the filled product and the worker profile show the same human-like icon. If the icons match, it means the particular technician is assigned to that product.
- Next, click on any of the product names that do not have any assigned workers. Unsourced products will not have the round tick mark icon beside their names.
- If you've followed the aforementioned suggestions in the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide, the Organic Produce and Printing & Copying products should remain unsourced. Select any of them to keep the supply chain going.
When to sell the Nightclub products?

Once the technicians start sourcing products your Nightclub Warehouse will gradually start filling. Like the Special Cargo Warehouse business, you can sell your stock to make profits. However, GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide readers should note that since Anthony "Tony" Prince is a partner in your business, he will take a cut from the products you sell.
Rockstar deducts 10% of your income and gives it to Tony after each sell mission. However, there's a threshold of $100,000 for Tony’s cut. So, this GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to only sell your Nightclub products when their combined value is worth $1.1 million or above. This way, Anthony "Tony" Prince will get up to $100,000 as his cut and you will make at least a million dollars by selling the products.
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Important upgrades to the Nightclub business in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online

Like other profitable businesses, the Nightclub must be upgraded to unlock its full potential. The first upgrade the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide suggests is acquiring more storage floors. This is directly proportional to how many products your Nightclub business can hold.
When you buy the property, Rockstar gives you a complimentary storage area named Warehouse Basement Level B1. However, you must also acquire the four other floors to increase the storage capacity. It is worth noting that the Benefactor Terrorbyte, one of the best vehicles in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online, has a dedicated garage area in the Warehouse Basement Level B5.
The next important upgrades you should purchase are the Equipment, Staff, and Security Upgrades.
The Equipment Upgrade improves the productivity of your Warehouse Technicians. The feature costs an additional $1,425,000, and it will make the workers source goods even faster. The GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to get this upgrade as it will fill your storage at a double pace compared to before.
The Staff Upgrade costs $475,000 and isn't related to the Warehouse technicians or the storage unit. But it will slow down the popularity loss rate of your Nightclub, which is essential to make passive money.
The Security Upgrade is indirectly related to the Nightclub Warehouse. It increases the security of your property, making you immune to frequent raids by enemies or law enforcement. Note that you lose a portion of your products whenever there's a raid. Therefore, the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to get the Security Upgrade for $695,000.
Important things to know before selling Nightclub goods in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online

Selling the Nightclub goods is probably the happiest moment for any Nightclub owner. However, be fully prepared before starting the process. Rockstar Games provides three vehicles to sell your products. They are as follows:
- Vapid Speedo Custom
- Maibatsu Mule Custom
- MTL Pounder Custom
A particular vehicle is selected for a sell mission depending on how many crates you own. The Vapid Speedo Custom comes for free with the business and it is the default vehicle to sell a low number of crates. The other two must be purchased separately.
If you have a high number of crates and don't own the other two delivery vehicles, the game will bar you from selling the goods until you acquire them. Therefore, the GTA 5 Nightclub technicians guide advises you to acquire all the vehicles as soon as possible.
When you purchase the Nightclub property, it comes with a complimentary garage with a weaponized vehicle workshop. The delivery vehicles can be upgraded in the workshop to have weapons and extra armor plating. Equip the upgrades to keep the enemies away during the delivery process.
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