GTA 5 Stock Market Guide: How to make money easily?

GTA 5 Stock Market Guide
Follow this GTA 5 Stock Market Guide for the best results (Image via Rockstar Games)

While the GTA 5 stock market guide has been discussed for ages, many gamers still find it difficult to fully grasp it. For those who may not know Rockstar Games added a fully functional share market system in Grand Theft Auto 5 that acts surprisingly similar to real-life trading. While you can use the feature at your convenience, some hidden tricks can help you gain huge profits from it.


This GTA 5 stock market guide 2025 will walk you through the most important details you should note about trading in the game. While some of the steps are optional, doing them can increase your profits even more.

Note: Some parts of the GTA 5 stock market guide are subjective and only reflect the writer’s opinions.

GTA 5 stock market guide 2025: PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Steam Deck

The GTA 5 stock market guide works on all major gaming platforms, including the hand-held ones. However, since we are focusing on the story mode, the entire process will happen locally and will not be affected by online players.


Before starting, you should note that there are two functioning stock markets in Grand Theft Auto 5:

  • Liberty City National Exchange (LCN)
A screenshot of the Liberty City National Exchange (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot of the Liberty City National Exchange (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot of the BAWSAQ for GTA 5 stock market guide (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot of the BAWSAQ for GTA 5 stock market guide (Image via Rockstar Games)

To access the markets follow these steps:

  1. Open the Internet browser on your in-game phone or in-game laptop.
  2. Click on the Money and Services option in the top-middle of the screen.
  3. The BAWSAQ and LCN markets should appear in the list (No fixed position).

Since this is a GTA 5 stock market guide, we will primarily operate on the LCN stock market, with a few exceptions. The BAWSAQ stock market is mainly community-driven and requires an internet connection. The profits and losses are also dependent on what other players do in it. However, a few of the Story Mode missions have a direct impact on it and we will utilize them later.


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GTA 5 stock market guide: Best stocks to buy in 2025

If you are already familiar with the process and are here to simply know which stocks to buy in-game, then this is the right spot. Grand Theft Auto 5 players should trade in the following stocks during the gameplay:

  • Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET)
  • Bilkinton Research (BIL)
  • Merryweather (MER)
  • Debonaire (DEB)
  • Redwood (RWC)
  • Fruit (FRT)
  • Facade (FAC)
  • Vapid (VAP)
  • GoldCoast (GCD)
  • Tinkle (TNK)

It is worth noting that the Betta Pharmaceuticals, Bilkinton Research, Fruit, Facade, Vapid, and Tinkle stock is available on the BAWSAQ Exchange and the rest are listed on the Liberty City National Exchange. These are the only stocks that were tested and proven to return guaranteed profits from the game. However, you must know how to invest in them and when to sell the holdings. The GTA 5 stock market guide elaborates on them below.


GTA 5 stock market guide: How to make money effectively

The entire process of making money through the Grand Theft Auto 5 stock market is dependent on the following series of missions:

  • Lester’s Assassination missions
  • Finale: The Third Way
  • Hitch Lift 1 random event

The process is very lengthy and might take you hours to complete. Moreover, the Hitch List 1 mission is a random event that has no known time or condition for spawning. Therefore, GTA players are advised to primarily focus on the first two mission series and utilize the third one whenever available.


Another important thing to note is that you must not do the Lester’s Assassination missions (except the first one) before the finale. Looting the Union Depository Bank gives all characters plenty of money and we can utilize it to make huge profits.

The main process of making money from the Grand Theft Auto 5 stock market starts here:

GTA 5 stock market guide: The Hotel Assassination mission

A screenshot from The Hotel Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Hotel Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Buy Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET)
  2. Kill Brett Lowrey
  3. Sell Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) ~ 50%
  4. Buy Bilkinton Research (BIL)
  5. Sell when profits > 80%

The Hotel Assassination mission is a part of Lester’s Assassination missions and must be done when prompted to progress in the story. But, before starting the mission, you must buy Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) stocks from the BAWSAQ exchange.

The objective of the mission is simple where you have to kill a target named Brett Lowrey using a sniper rifle or sticky bomb. Once you kill the target and complete the mission, save the game a few times as Franklin Clinton until the Return Percentage of your holdings shows around 50%.


After that, sell the stock and immediately buy Bilkinton Research (BIL) stocks from the BAWSAQ Exchange. Switch to Trevor Philips and save the game around six to eight times until the profits cross 80%. Then, sell everything to reap the full benefits.

After this mission, you must not do any of Lester’s Assassination Missions until the finale.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: The Third Way

A screenshot from The Third Way mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Third Way mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Select ‘The Big Score’ approach
  2. Buy Merryweather (MER)
  3. Sell when profits > 70%

The next trade has to be delayed for a while to make the most out of the GTA 5 stock market guide. You must finish the Grand Theft Auto 5 Story Mode choosing The Third Way as your option. After the mission, play as Michael De Santa for some time until you get your cut from Lester Crest, followed by an email from Donald "Don" Percival.


Once you get the email, invest all the money in Merryweather (MER) stocks on the Liberty City National Exchange. Switch the character to Trevor Philips and save the game multiple times until the profits cross 70%.

Grand Theft Auto 5 players should note that this is the longest shortcut they’ll have to take and it requires tremendous amounts of patience. The economy takes several in-game weeks to reach 70%, and it also goes through multiple ups and downs. Therefore, they must rinse and repeat the save game process countless times.


Players are advised not to lose hope, continue the process, and sell the holdings as soon as the profits cross the 70% mark.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: The Multi-Target Assassination

A screenshot from The Multi Target Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Multi Target Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Buy Debonaire (DEB)
  2. Kill the targets
  3. Sell when profits ~ 35%
  4. Buy Redwood (RWC)
  5. Sell when profits > 100%

Once you are done with the risky investment process, you can go back to doing Lester’s Assassination Missions to reap the remaining benefits. The Multi Target Assassination is the second in the series and is one of the best missions in Grand Theft Auto 5 Story Mode.

Before you start the mission, buy Debonaire (DEB) stocks from the Liberty City National Exchange. After that, follow the below instructions:

  • Kill all four jurors at Vespucci Beach, Pacific Bluffs, West Vinewood, and Vinewood Hills.
  • Lose the cops.
  • Save the game a few times as Franklin Clinton until the profits reach around 35%.
  • Sell the holdings.
  • Immediately buy Redwood (RWC) stocks from Liberty City National Exchange.
  • Switch to Trevor Philips and save the game six to eight times.
  • Reload the saved game file and save it again.
  • When the profit margin crosses 100%, sell the holdings.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: The Vice Assassination

A screenshot from The Vice Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Vice Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Buy Fruit (FRT)
  2. Kill Jackson Skinner
  3. Sell FRT when profits ~ 25%
  4. Buy Facade (FAC)
  5. Sell when profits > 25%

The Vice Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 is pretty simple - you have to kill a target named Jackson Skinner from a distance. The trading process is also simple in this mission where you have to simply do the following things:

  • Buy the Fruit (FRT) stocks from the BAWSAQ exchange before the mission.
  • Once the assassination is complete, save the game as Franklin four to six times until the holdings generate around 25% profit.
  • Sell the stocks.
  • Immediately buy Facade (FAC) from the BAWSAQ exchange.
  • Switch to Trevor Philips and save the game six to eight times.
  • When the profits cross 25%, sell the holdings.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: The Bus Assassination

A screenshot from The Bus Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Bus Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Kill Isaac Penny
  2. Buy Vapid (VAP)
  3. Sell when profits ~ 90%

The Bus Assassination mission is a unique one where you don’t have to acquire anything prior to the mission. Simply take Lester Crest’s call and start the mission. The latter asks Franklin Clinton to kill a target named Isaac Penny using a public bus. Once the mission is successful, you must do the following to make profits:

  • Buy Vapid (VAP) stocks from the BAWSAQ exchange.
  • Switch the character to Trevor Philips.
  • Save the game four to eight times until the profit margin is around 90%.
  • Sell the holdings.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: The Construction Assassination

A screenshot from The Construction Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)
A screenshot from The Construction Assassination mission in Grand Theft Auto 5 (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Buy GoldCoast (GCD)
  2. Kill Enzo Bonelli
  3. Sell stocks when profits ~ 50%

The Construction Assassination is the last mission in Lester’s Assassination series, and also the last chronological chance to make profits from the GTA 5 Stock Market. It is one of the toughest and most action-packed missions in the series.

Your goal is to kill a target called Enzo Bonelli on top of the Mile High Club. However, he is protected by several bodyguards both on and below the floors. Before you start the mission, you must first buy GoldCoast (GCD) stocks from the Liberty City National Exchange.


Once the assassination attempt is complete, save the game three to four times as Franklin Clinton. When the profits reach 50%, sell the holdings immediately.

After this mission, you still have one last chance to make profits from the Hitch Lift 1 random event. However, as mentioned before, its spawn cannot be predicted and therefore you should take it as a hit-and-miss opportunity.

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GTA 5 stock market guide: Hitch Lift 1

The area where the mission usually spawns (Image via Rockstar Games)
The area where the mission usually spawns (Image via Rockstar Games)

Key points:

  1. Buy Tinkle (TNK)
  2. Deliver Timm to LSIA
  3. Sell stocks when profits ~ 30%

This mission appears randomly for any of the protagonists near the Ineseno Road in Banham Canyon. An NPC named Timm will ask you for a lift to the Los Santos International Airport as his car gets brake down near the road. The mission's objective is to deliver Timm to the airport within two in-game hours (approximately two real-life minutes).

However, before you start the mission, the GTA 5 stock market guide first advises you to buy Tinkle (TNK) stocks from the BAWSAQ exchange. After completing the mission, save the game a few times as Franklin Clinton until the profit margin is around 30%. Then sell the holdings.


These are the missions and stocks that will give you a guaranteed return in Grand Theft Auto 5 Story Mode. However, players should not become greedy and hold the stocks for longer periods hoping for more profits. The change of values depends on the game’s timeline, which is already predefined. Therefore, as soon as you see the stocks touching the aforementioned threshold limits, sell them immediately.

Another thing to note is that profits from the GTA 5 stock market guide vary from player to player. If you invest big amounts, you’ll get higher returns and vice versa. Therefore, the players are advised to wait till finishing the storyline to invest bigger amounts. If you do everything correctly, the game should make each of the protagonists a billionaire by the end of the process.

GTA 5 protagonists have different sleep times (Image via Rockstar Games)
GTA 5 protagonists have different sleep times (Image via Rockstar Games)

The sleep cycle of Michael De Santa, Trevor, and Franklin should also be noted correctly, as they play an important role in the GTA 5 stock market guide. The following are the sleeping hours of all three characters:

  • Michael: Six hours
  • Franklin: Eight hours
  • Trevor: 12 hours

This is the reason why we sometimes use Franklin to skip time and use Trevor at other times. Using different characters than mentioned might cause you to miss the threshold mark.

Lastly, you should also note the rival companies in the Grand Theft Auto series that play a huge role in the GTA 5 Stock Market guide. The following are the companies and their rivals:

  • Cool Beans - Bean Machine
  • Burger Shot - Up-n-Atom
  • Cluckin' Bell - Taco Bomb
  • Fly US - Air Emu
  • Go Postal - PostOP
  • Bilkington - DollarPills
  • Pisswasser - Logger
  • Maze Bank - Bank of Liberty
  • Redwood - Debonair
  • Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter - Bullhead
  • Radio Los Santos - World Wide FM
  • E-Cola - Raine
  • Merryweather - GruppeSechs

The entire stock market manipulation process depends on harming one company to increase the popularity of its rival. However, this only works during a mission. If you go on a rampage to destroy any of the aforementioned businesses, it will not affect their popularity or stock price whatsoever.

Every Grand Theft Auto 5 player must grind the stock market at least once to get the feel of a billionaire in the game. After the Union Depository Heist, it is the best money-making method.


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Edited by Abu Amjad Khan
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