Kevin, better known as LordKebun, is a GTA RP and GTA Online streamer. He gained popularity on Twitch and is now a full-time streamer by profession. He has also gathered a strong following on other social media accounts such as Tiktok and Instagram.
Born on June 17, 1994, LordKebun is 27 years old. He is mostly known for his online character Mr. K, who is an Asian-looking player in GTA RP.
Although he began his streaming career on Twitch, he shifted to YouTube as Twitch took him out of the partner program for mimicking an over-the-top Asian voice for his GTA RP character. He has started working on other social media outlets and has 39k followers on Instagram and 14k followers on Tiktok.
He has a charming personality and is often complimented for his good looks. This article describes in detail his GTA RP character and backstory along with his in-game gang affiliations.
All you need to know about LordKebun from GTA RP
The character that LordKebun roleplays as in GTA RP is called Wang Chang. He is more famously known as "Mr. Kebun" on the server. He plays GTA RP on the most popular NoPixel server. Mr Kebun is a co-founder and the leader of the Chang Gang.
In GTA RP, Wang Chang legally changed his name to Mr. Chang and then again to Mr. Kebun, a native of Puerto Rico who carries a thick accent. He is one of the best shooters in Los Santos and is also highly skilled in urban combat and martial arts. He is a heavy substance user and adrenaline junkie, he is frequently injured as a result of reckless behavior and high-speed driving.
Wang Chang had to seek out help from a top-level scientist to try to restore what was left of his brain. The gang planned a heist led by his stepson to steal a new Boston Dynamics cybernetic human body from the Humane Labs and Research Facility. His consciousness was transferred from his body to the cybernetic one by Dr. Singh.