In this exciting YouTube video, popular GTA 5 streamer Nought attempts to survive another zombie outbreak in GTA 5 using mods. His viewers have seen him try this before, but not with so much money in the bank.
Many fans of Nought wonder if he is a trillionaire this time will help him survive the zombie apocalypse any easier.
This video will discuss how Nought did in GTA 5 using mods to survive a zombie outbreak as a trillionaire.
Being a zillionaire in GTA 5 using mods does not mean you are safe
At the start of this video, Nought was trapped inside his underground trillionaire base surrounded by zombies. While looking for an escape route, the zombies broke into the base and the power went off. Sounding a bit scared, Nought entered a mystery door in his workshop that took him into underground tunnels.
Roaming around the underground base in GTA 5 using mods, Nought seemed a bit disorientated as he discovered more doors and Franklin's armory of missiles and weapons. While trying to find his garage, he noticed that the tunnels were filled with zombies. He fired his RPG a few times at the oncoming zombies before making his way to the base's runway to try and escape via plane.

Upon entering his hangar and runway, Nought saw that the undead had overrun it and his planes had all been destroyed. He took out his frustration by shooting a lot of zombies on his runway before he discovered that his garage was still safe and sound.
He chose the Benefactor Dubsta 6x6 as his zombie survival vehicle because he had reinforced it with bulletproof armor. Nought then left the mansion to try and evacuate Los Santos. Trevor sent him a text message telling him there was an evacuation point at the Grapeseed runway and so he decided to head there.
While driving through Vinewood Hills, Nought remembers having military contact. He tested it out by ordering a bomb strike on a single zombie before leaving the area.

Nought made it to the Grapeseed runway evacuation point halfway through the video. Unfortunately, he was too late and the place was overrun by zombies, including undead police and sheriff's deputies.
The situation got worse when Nought could no longer contact the military for support. He suddenly remembered he owned a battleship, but it had been sunk upon arriving at its location. His next idea was to go to the military base in hopes it was safer there.
Nought made his way into the base in GTA 5, which had some zombies inside, plus a single military airplane. In a search for survivors, he came up empty and decided the best thing to do was steal the jet and fly to safety.

Escaping Fort Zancudo in the Western Besra jet in GTA 5 using mods, Nought flew south towards Del Perro Pier. Once he arrived there, he saw what looked like another possible evacuation point. There were airplanes, helicopters and an aircraft carrier at sea.
Nought landed his plane on the beach and discovered that survivors were indeed getting ready to leave Los Santos on a huge boat. He spoke to the guard letting people on, who agreed to let Nought aboard for $100million. Luckily for Nought, he was still a zillionaire in GTA 5 using mods.

Nought had successfully survived the zombie outbreak in GTA 5 using mods. It was certainly made easier because he was a zillionaire, or else he would not have been able to get on the escape vessel.