Nought is a popular GTA 5 streamer with nearly six million subscribers to his channel. Every day he receives thousands of views, likes and comments on his video exploits in the game.
This video is a bit different from the usual ones where Franklin needs to survive or find various cars in the game using mods. In the video, someone decided to steal Franklin's dog, Chop. Nought was determined to get Chop back by the end of his newest video.
This article will discuss what happened when somebody stole Chop from Franklin in GTA Online and Nought went to get him back.
GTA 5 would not be the same for Franklin without Chop
The video saw GTA 5 streamer Nought having to rescue Chop in the game after he was taken while playing fetch with Franklin. The video started with Franklin throwing baseballs for Chop on a patch of grass near his house.
Suddenly, Chop ran out of sight and disappeared. While looking around for Frank's best friend, Nought discovered the ball he had thrown near a CCTV camera. He quickly drove to the police station in GTA 5 to view the recording. The police were very helpful, and Franklin reviewed the footage and saw the dognappers taking Chop in a white van.
In the footage, Nought learned that the van was parked at a house in Strawberry. He broke in to find many caged dogs, but none were Chop. As he looked around the house, he heard a car pull up and decided to confront the thieves.
The enemies entered and were held at gunpoint by Franklin until they told him they had already sold Chop to someone who worked at the golf club.
Naught taught the criminals a lesson by shooting them in the kneecaps before leaving the house to rescue Chop. Upon leaving, he decided he couldn’t leave the dogs locked up in the house, so he took them along for the ride in his new truck.
When Nought arrived at the golf club, he had trouble locating the man he was looking for. He enlisted the help of one of the dogs from the back of his truck to find Chop's scent. Walking around the club with his new companion, Nought found a prime suspect. He decided to tail the perp back to a house in the Rockford Hills area.
The target was surprised when he noticed that Franklin had followed him into his home and tried to run away. With nowhere to go, Franklin knocked out the person who had Chop and saved his favorite furry friend.
In addition to saving his oldest dog friend, Franklin brought home the strays he had saved from the dognappers. Fortunately, Chop did not seem to mind as the video ended with them all heading inside Franklin's house for some delicious steaks.