The GTA franchise is renowned for a lot of things, such as the freedom of the open-world, authenticity, humour, satire and cars, a lot of cars. However, what it is not known for is the severe difficulty spike some missions could bring to the game.
GTA games aren't particularly tricky games, with most missions not requiring more than a couple of playthroughs. However, some missions in the GTA games can take multiple playthroughs, and are not appreciated by the fans.
While a good challenge is always appreciated in games, some of the missions in the GTA series border on unfair and cheap.
These are some of the most challenging missions in the series, and some that shouldn't be difficult, but are.
Five of the most difficult GTA missions of all-time
5) Scouting the Port- Grand Theft Auto V
This mission isn't as difficult as much as it is annoying, and is one of the most mundane and tedious parts of GTA V. The mission has you, as Trevor, work in the shipping port of Los Santos and operate a couple of machines.
The mission is extremely dull (by design) and is a slog to get through. Rockstar were probably going for that effect with the mission, but it just comes off as plain boring by all accounts.
4) Robbing Uncle Sam- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
This is one example of difficulty done right in GTA games. The mission is designed to be challenging but fair, as your preparation for the mission is as important as execution.
Being armed with just a pistol won't do the trick here, and you will need the right weapons to complete it. The mission has you, stealing from the National Guard, but the toughest part isn't getting through from the security, but operating the forklift.
As CJ, you must operate a forklift and carry several boxes to the truck. This can prove to be challenging amidst the continuous onslaught of the National Guard.
3) Demolition Man- Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Demolition Man in GTA Vice City puts you, as Tommy, in control of an RC Helicopter as you plant several bombs in an under-construction building.
Several players have rage-quit while playing this particular mission. However, some people have claimed that the mission gets easier with practice.
While the mission looks simple at first glance, it can get challenging as some players feel the timer can be a little too short. However, after enough practice, the mission is a breeze to get through and even a fan-favourite of some fans.
2) The Triathlons- Grand Theft Auto V
Side Missions in GTA games are never meant to be this difficult. It is nearly impossible to win a Triathlon in Grand Theft Auto V.
The Triathlon requires you to participate in a 3-part race that includes Swimming, Running and Cycling. The Stamina Bar for any of the three characters can run out pretty quick if the stat hasn't been buffed previously.
1) Wrong Side of the Tracks- GTA San Andreas
This is a mission which has spawned countless memes, rage-quits, and harsh swear words thrown at the screen. The mission has you, chasing down a Mexican gang in a dirt bike, as they stand atop a moving train, firing guns at you.
The objective is to stay alongside the gang members so that Big Smoke (your passenger and ally) can shoot them from the bike. This becomes challenging as Big Smoke's accuracy can only be compared to a Stormtrooper.
Big Smoke barely manages to hit any targets and has the gall to tell CJ that all he had to do was "follow the damn train, CJ".