The GTA franchise has never been the one to pull back its punches and goes all out with their social commentary and criticisms in a satirical manner.
Making fun of famous public figures like Mark Zuckerberg by parodying Facebook in the form of Lifeinvader, GTA 5 levels its criticism of privacy being invaded by huge corporations.
The franchise, however, can be criticized for portrayal of women in their games. While there have been memorable female characters such as Catalina in GTA III, the franchise has bordered on the line of parody and not a well-developed character.
Rockstar Games have otherwise provided gamers with amazing female characters in games like Red Dead Redemption 2 with Sadie Adler and Ms.Grimshaw. GTA, on the other hand, lacks in female character department.
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Vanilla Unicorn is a strip club in Los Santos that Trevor Phillips eventually takes over. It perhaps exists as a direct criticism leveled at pop culture's obsession with the sexualization of females.
Vanilla Unicorn in GTA 5

Vanilla Unicorn can be found on the map in GTA 5, it is marked by a 'high heel' icon. Players can acquire the services of a dancer for a private dance, or spend their money out in public, near the pole.
There are few noticeable employees in the Vanilla Unicorn, such as:
- Juliet
- Infernus
- Sapphire
- Nikki
- Fufu
- Chastity
- Cheetah
- Peach
Players can acquire their services for a private dance and 'flirt' with them. However, if the bouncer catches them flirting they will be thrown out of the establishment.
Vanilla Unicorn is inspired by a real-life strip club by the name of Spearmint Rhino. Both have names that contain a flavor and a horned animal.
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