One of the many reasons why the GTA franchise has been such a success with fans is the cast of colorful characters in each game. GTA characters are some of the most memorable and sharply written characters in gaming.
The franchise has been able to provide the gaming community with several iconic characters time and time again. Each of them forms the backbone of the story and the game itself.
Here we take a look at the main characters from each game, GTA III onwards.
GTA: Full list of main characters
- Claude- Protagonist
- Catalina- Antagonist
- Miguel
- 8-Ball
- Luigi Goterelli
- Joey Leone
- Toni Cipriani
- Salvatore Leone
- Maria Latore
GTA Vice City
- Tommy Vercetti- Protagonist
- Sonny Forelli- Antagonist
- Lance Vance
- Ken Rosenberg
- Phil Cassidy
- Ricardo Diaz
- Col. Cortez
- Kent Paul
- Auntie Poulet
- Umberto Robina
GTA San Andreas
- Carl "CJ" Johnson- Protagonist
- Office Frank Tenpenny- Antagonist
- Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris
- Sean "Sweet" Johnson
- Lance "Ryder" Wilson
- Cesar Vialpando
- Catalina
- The Truth
- Mike Toreno
GTA Liberty City Stories
- Toni Cipriani- Protagonist
- Massimo Torini- Antagonist
- Salvatore Leone
- Vincenzo Cilli
- Joseph Daniel O'Toole
- Ma Cipriani
- Jane Hopper
- Maria Latore
- Donald Love
GTA Vice City Stories
- Victor Vance- Protagonist
- Sgt Jerry Martinez- Antagonist
- Phil Cassidy
- Louise Cassidy
- Marty Jay Williams
- Lance Vance
- Umberto Robina
- Bryan Forbes
- Niko Belic- Protagonist
- Dimitri Rascalaov- Antagonist
- Roman Belic
- Mikhail Faustin
- Vladimir Glebov
- Kate McReary
- Patrick McReary
- Little Jacob
- Brucie Kibbutz
GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony
- Luis Fernando Lopez- Protagonist
- Gay Tony
- Gracie Ancelotti
- Yusuf Amir
- Niko Belic
- Johnny Klebitz
- Brucie Kibbutz
- Ray Bulgarin
GTA IV: The Lost and Dammned
- Johnny Klebits- Protagonist
- Billie Grey- Antagonist
- Jim Fitzgerald
- Brian Jeremy
- Jason Michaels
- Ashley Butler
- Clay Simons
- Malc
- Terry Thorpe
GTA: Chinatown Wars
- Huang Lee- Protagonist
- Wu Lee
- Wade Heston
- Hsin Jaoming
- Zhou Ming
- Lester Lecroc
- Xin Shan
- Chan Jaoming
- Michael De Santa
- Franklin Clinton
- Trevor Phillips
- Devin Weston
- Steve Haines
Other Main Characters
- Lester Crest
- Lamar Davis
- Dave Norton
- Amanda De Santa
- Stretch
- Martin Madrazo
Edited by Utkarsh Rampal