For players looking for raw and uncompromising pace in their vehicles, supercars and sports cars are the best options in GTA Online. However, players are sometimes looking for vehicles with a little more purpose than just pure speed.
This is where 4-door cars come into play, as they can fit more than just the driver and a passenger while playing GTA Online. These cars prove to be useful in Heists and other Missions.
4-door cars are some of the fastest vehicles in the game and also can fit up to 4 players, making them perfect for a quick getaway. As more often than not, Missions can go haywire as each player attempts to getaway individually.
A single 4-door vehicle eliminates the possibility of individual players being gunned down and making the team suffer.
Five fastest 4-door cars in GTA Online (Top Speed)
Source: gtabase
5) Benefactor Schafter V12
Price: $116,000
Top Speed: 124.25 mph (199.96 km/h)
"Powerful, understated, reliable. You have absolutely none of these qualities, so it's important to you that your car does. The new Benefactor Schafter screams corporate anonymity just as much as its predecessor, so to justify the massive price hike we've thrown in a few flourishes and a plush interior. Armored Edition also available"
-Legendary Motorsport description

4) Lampadati Novak
Price: $608,000
Top Speed: 126.00 mph (202.78 km/h)
"No, you didn't misread anything. This is a Lampadati. And an SUV. At the same time. Why? Who can say? But if someone tells you they crossbred a thoroughbred racehorse with a hippo, do you question their motives? No, you buy it, take a selfie with it, throw it in storage, and start bragging to your friends."
-Legendary Motorsport description

3) Albany V-STR
Price: $1,285,000
Top Speed: 126.25 mph (203.18 km/h)
"Looking for something wild? Climb inside the fierce V-STR and listen to it growl as it bares that distinctive grill and charges the competition. With this much-untamed energy, get ready to lose control. Figuratively, obviously. This high-performance luxury sedan is the jewel in Albany's crown."
-Legendary Motorsports description
2) Ocelot Jugular
Price: $1,225,000
Top Speed: 126.50 mph (203.58 km/h)
"You might be wondering, does the world really need another high-caliber sports saloon? But remember, there are some things the human race can never get enough of. "
-Legendary Motorsport

1) Pegassi Toros
Price: $498,000
Top Speed: 127.50 mph (205.19 km/h)
"What do a 23rd Century hypercar and a family-friendly SUV have in common? More than you might think. They both turn you into a leadfooted, tailgating sociopath the moment you touch the gas. And they both do roughly the same miles per gallon as a burning oil well. With all that shared DNA, it was only a matter of time before someone left them in a dark showroom to see if they would breed - and the Toros is the result."
-Legendary Motorsport description