The Los Santos Drug Wars update introduced the latest business in GTA Online, known as the Acid Lab, and its maximum payout is pretty good. It's not game-breaking by any means, but players can get a lot of value out of it by just putting in a little bit of effort.
For reference, selling all of the supplies without any upgrades gives players $237,600. If they have the equipment upgrade installed, they would then make $335,200. Readers should keep in mind that none of these values include a High Demand Bonus for playing in a Public Session.
Note: Renaming your product adds nearly 5% to the overall value, bringing the total to $351,840. Certain event weeks could also potentially increase the amount of money you could earn.
What you should know about the Acid Lab's maximum payout in GTA Online
Note: The first photo in this tweet shows that the total value of the payout is $237,600 (and not the $237,500 that the user states).
The concept of the Acid Lab business is pretty similar to other businesses in GTA Online, with players needing to obtain supplies that they can later sell. Players can either steal the supplies or purchase them from Mutt for $60,000.
The above tweet already makes it quite clear that players can make $237,600 without any upgrades. By comparison, the payout becomes $335,200 with the equipment upgrade. Players will obviously make less of a profit if they continually purchase supplies from Mutt when they become available, but it's still possible to make a decent profit off of this business.

For example, players would have to restock the supplies three times, costing $180,000 in total. Subtracting that from the default max payment of $237,500 would result in a profit of $57,500. Stealing supplies will result in better profits but requires more time as well.
How to get started with the Acid Lab business in GTA Online

All GTA Online players can get the Brickade 6x6 related to this business just by virtue of completing all six First Dose missions. From there, you need to complete the Setup: Acid Lab Equipment mission and then spend $750,000 to install everything.
You can then opt to steal supplies for this business or purchase them from Mutt. Do note that you can call Mutt to buy the supplies (which still costs $60,000), meaning that you don't need to meet him in person to do this.

If you want to get the equipment upgrade, you must complete ten Fooligan Jobs. To start a Fooligan Job, simply call Dax and choose the "Request Work" option. It doesn't matter which particular Fooligan Jobs you complete, as the only thing that matters is that you complete ten of them in total.
The equipment upgrade costs $250,500. It is highly recommended that you get it to maximize your total payout with the Acid Lab business in GTA Online. If your goal is to make as much money as possible, you should get this upgrade and choose to steal the supplies.
Keep in mind that the potential max payout referenced in this GTA Online guide does not include any weekly event bonuses or the High Demand Bonus.