Acid Lab Sell Missions are some of the best moneymakers in GTA Online. While the total inventory might not be much money on its own, the hourly profits are amazing. In a perfect scenario outside of event weeks, gamers could potentially make $119,000 profit per hour. Remember that this is the profit per hour, not the revenue. That is higher than every other business. Several event weeks introduce 1.5x cash, meaning you could make even more cash.
The whole process is simple: Acquire supplies, wait a bit and then do Sell Missions. If you don't plan on doing any activities in GTA Online, you can opt to use an AFK method to wait until the inventory is full.
How you can make a lot of money from Acid Lab Sell Missions in GTA Online

This guide will assume that GTA Online players have already completed all First Dose missions and have obtained their free MTL Brickade 6x6. Likewise, they should have already installed the Acid Lab in it. From there, it's worth evaluating the total revenue you can get from a max Sell Mission:
- Default: $237,600
- Equipment Upgrade: $335,200
A 1.5x event week would make the payouts $356,400 and $502,800, respectively. Keep in mind that some weekly updates also boost Acid production, making the inventory max out much quicker than usual.
Get the equipment upgrade as soon as possible
GTA Online players make far more money with the Equipment Upgrade than without it. To unlock the ability to upgrade your Acid Lab with it, you must complete ten Fooligan Jobs. It doesn't matter which ones you do, so you can theoretically beat the same one ten times.
To start a Fooligan Job, call Dax and request some work. Complete the mission given to you and wait for the hourly cooldown to expire before doing another one. There are some exploits to skip the cooldown, but they vary from one patch to another, depending on background updates.
Let's look at the steps regarding how this business operates.
Step 1: Get supplies and boost production rate at least once

GTA Online players can get supplies through three methods:
- Purchase them for $60,000 from Mutt.
- Do a Resupply Mission.
- Randomly obtain them from a daily Stash House.
The first option is best for efficiency's sake, but players most interested in profits can choose to do a resupply mission. Once you get the supplies, head inside the Acid Lab to boost production next to Mutt.
Step 2: Wait a while

How long you wait will depend on whether there's an event week affecting production rates or not. Generally speaking, you can check back every hour and get new supplies whenever necessary.
If you wish to AFK, you can stay in limbo in the Nightclub garage menu screen for as long as you'd like. Alternatively, the exit menu for the LS Car Meet's Test Track also works.
Step 3: Do the Acid Lab Sell Missions to make money

Once the inventory is maxed out, proceed to do the Acid Lab's Sell Mission. These Freemode jobs are easy to complete compared to other businesses, so most GTA Online players should have no issues with them.