GTA Online has a few different ways for players to go AFK for as long as they'd like. Such methods are invaluable for Nightclubs, Arcades, and Agencies to spawn more money. The title of this article specifically references the Nightclub for two reasons:
- The AFK method involves the actual property
- It has the best passive income in the game
Not every player knows a reliable way to AFK without getting kicked, so this guide should help simplify the process. It's vital to mention that no rubber band or external device is required to get everything set up.
Note: The writer confirmed this method to work on the PS5, at least by the time this article was written. Other methods may work in late 2022, but this one is extremely easy to do.
Going AFK effortlessly in GTA Online: Easy way to make money and not worry about getting kicked for inactivity

Here are the requirements for this AFK method:
- Any Nightclub
- You have to be outside in the open world
That's it. You don't have to put your controller down in a certain way to get things to work. It's time to get to the actual method.

Here is how you can AFK forever in GTA Online:
- Approach your Nightclub Garage from the outside so you see a screen similar to the one shown above (you will enter the little circle that shows up in the overworld).
- Congratulations, that's literally it.
Normally, Rockstar Games would kick players for AFKing for 15 minutes. But that won't happen with this little trick.

There are only a few caveats you must pay attention to in order for this method to work:
- You need reliable Internet so that you don't DC quickly, which defeats the purpose of setting everything up.
- You need to turn off power saving mode (if applicable).
Good internet is pretty self-explanatory in an online multiplayer game like GTA Online. The power-saving mode option will vary from platform to platform. For example, one can prevent their PS5 from ever entering rest mode by:
- Going to the console's settings.
- Select 'System.'
- Select 'Power Saving.'
- Select 'Set Time Until PS5 Enters Rest Mode.'
- Select 'While Playing Games.'
- Select 'Don't Put in Rest Mode.'

After enough time has passed, GTA Online players should check out their Nightclub, Arcade, and Agency to see how much they earned. These properties usually give players their money every in-game day, which is approximately 48 minutes in the real world.
It is worth mentioning that one will also pay the daily fees that have accumulated, but those fees are significantly smaller than the passive income. GTA Online players should also know that this method still works as of September 30, 2022.
It has existed in the game for a long time, so it's unlikely that Rockstar Games will patch it any time soon.