Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online offers countless ways to make money in the game. Some of the most popular options are heists and businesses, through which you can stash millions in their Maze Bank accounts. Glitches are another way of achieving this. One of the newest glitches in the game is linked to the Diamond Casino and Resort, allowing you to generate a sizeable income in a very short amount of time.
It is quite easy to implement and can be done on all platforms that host the title. Let's take a closer look at the GTA Online Diamond Casino solo glitch by which players can easily earn millions.
GTA Online players can earn millions with ease by using a new Casino Solo Glitch
Before you can earn millions via the new Casino Solo Glitch in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online, a few prerequisites must be met. The first is having multiple outfits. This can be done easily by going to any clothing store in the game.
Once inside the store, put together an attire of your choice and press the button for "Edit Saved Outfits," indicated at the bottom of the screen. Now, select an empty slot and name the outfit to save it.
The other prerequisite is owning a Diamond Casino and Resort Penthouse. While it is optional, meeting this requirement makes the process easier. This glitch works in both public and private sessions.

To start the glitch, enter the Diamond Casino and Resort. Those who own a Penthouse can choose its respective option, whereas others must enter the casino. Now, locate the Blackjack table and change your Spawn Location to either "Casino Penthouse" or "Last Location" via the Interaction Menu.
Here is how players on different platforms can open the Interaction Menu in their copies of the game:
- PC - Press M on the keyboard
- PlayStation 4 and 5 - Hold the controller's Touch Pad
- Xbox One and Series X/S - Hold the controller's View button
Next, use the Interaction Menu to save progress by changing your outfit. For this, look for "Outfit" under the "Style" option. After this, close the Interaction Menu and wait for the progress save animation to finish at the bottom right corner of the screen. Once this is done, sit at the Blackjack table and place the highest bet.
Choose the "Double Down" option if available, and continue the mini-game. Each time you win, get up and change your outfit to save progress. Repeat this process until you lose, at which point you must instantly close GTA Online.

Doing this will prevent any money from being lost. You can then reopen the game and repeat the same steps to earn millions easily in a very short amount of time.
Rockstar Games might eventually patch this glitch through a GTA Online update. However, such methods can help make money effortlessly, keeping players engaged until Grand Theft Auto 6 releases.