GTA Online gamers will recognize the cover image from the game. During specific supply missions, they must use the slowest boat in the whole game, the Tug Boat, to deliver supplies to a buyer out at sea. The supplies are usually drugs or weapons when The Tug is involved.
These are missions that players can choose to do solo or with friends and associates to sell their "product," depending on the amount and supply type they choose.
This article discusses what happened when two users were delivering some cargo to a buyer at sea, with some funny results.
GTA Online player destroyed at most unfortunate time
The above video was posted on the r/gtaonline subreddit page and has received plenty of attention for simply how fun it is with thousands of upvotes and dozens of comments. The original poster claims that he just wanted to drive the boat, but it turns out his partner in crime felt the same way.
As GTA Online fans know, delivering drugs or guns using the Tug Boat can be slow and arduous. In the above Reddit clip, it is almost as though the two friends are playing together but disagree on who should be the captain. The vessel's driver is knocked over by his friend or associate, who takes the helm.
Not being too pleased with being knocked out of the driver's seat, the original player used a taser to take back control of the boat. Suddenly, the friend who first takes over begins to spasm as he is hit with the stun gun, while the other gamer takes the wheel back.
Unfortunately, and most likely unintentionally, the tased player ends up glitching out of the boat and lands in the sea. People watching the video could not help but laugh.

The GTA Online gamer who tased his associate meant no actual harm to him but wanted to clarify that he was the captain. Viewers found this a hilarious way to settle a minor disagreement in the game without shedding any blood.
Commenters below let the original poster know what they thought.
One commenter made an excellent point about playing GTA Online with random other players, as there is no way of knowing what sort of person they are. They could be domineering and in-charge or subversive and just happy to help. This can sometimes affect the outcome of these sorts of supply and delivery missions.
Viewers and GTA Online fans who watched the clip and had a good laugh still hope that the delivery was successful, even with a man overboard.