GTA Online's Los Santos Tuners update is live, and players are knee deep in the new progression system and content.
One of the newer tasks included in the update is clearing an "Exotic Exports" list in the Auto shop. Players are tasked with finding 10 high end vehicles and delivering them to the docks for monetary compensation. The only catch is that no locations of the cars are revealed. Here's a list of all 10 cars and a guide to their probable locations of spawning.
GTA Online Exotic Exports Guide: Where to find all 10 vehicles
Present on the upper floor of the Auto Shop, the Exotic Exports List has the following cars listed:
- Grotti Carbonizzare
- Karin 190z
- Annis Elegy Retro Custom
- Bravado Banshee 900R
- Obey Rocoto
- Lampadati Tigon
- Hijak Ruston
- Pegassi Monroe
- Ocelot Swinger
- Ubermacht SC1
None of the vehicles' locations are revealed by the game, and players must comb the streets of Los Santos and Blaine County to have a shot at finding them. Secondly, super high end cars like the Elegy Retro Custom are not driven by NPC's and will be parked at the side of the road if found.
The way to find these vehicles is to keep an eye out for them in-game while driving around and keeping a close watch on the minimap. The parked cars will show up as a blue blip similar to the random events that allow players to steal El Rubio's drawer key from a passed out guard.

Once found, players must drive the car to the docks and drop it off at the marker for a reward of GTA $20,000 each. In total, the Exotic Export vehicle list offers players GTA $200,000 and helps them climb the new progression ladder added as part of the Los Santos Tuners update.
Note: The locations show in the map only depict probable locations. Exotic Exports spawn depend on RNG and will not have a 100% spawn rate even if players are visiting the right spot.
Also read: How to use the new Media Player in GTA Online Los Santos Tuners update