In the past couple of weeks, there have been rumors circulating about GTA Online's upcoming summer update, with a lot of speculation surrounding its release date. However, Rockstar Games has officially confirmed and provided an exact release date for the highly anticipated update. In a Twitter post on June 2, 2023, the developers announced that the new San Andreas Mercenaries DLC will be launching on June 13, 2023. It will be avaialable on all supported platforms, including PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
The developers have also hinted at what players can expect from the GTA Online San Andreas Mercenaries update, including new vehicles, random events, characters, and more.
GTA Online Summer Update 2023 will be released in two weeks as San Andreas Mercenaries DLC
The San Andreas Mercenaries is the official name for the next big GTA Online Summer Update 2023, and it will revolve around eliminating Merryweather. In the recent newswire post, Rockstar gave a brief about the DLC’s theme:
“It’s no secret Merryweather Security are as corrupt as everyone else in this town — but now there’s talk on the street that these shady contract killers are scaling up and squeezing out any rogue competition across Southern San Andreas. For freelance professionals in the criminal underground, this could be the last straw — it’s time to hit them where it hurts.”
Rockstar also confirmed several new additions coming to GTA Online San Andreas Mercenaries, including:
- New character (Charlie Reed)
- New missions
- New vehicles
- New activities
- New Avengers Upgrades
- Special weekly events
- Celebration (possibly the 10th anniversary of the game)
Apart from the new content, GTA Online players will see a lot of quality improvements implemented as part of the San Andreas Mercenaries DLC update. Here’re a couple of such tweaks coming to the game this summer:
- The ability to call Mors Mutual Insurance and repair all destroyed cars at once.
- The ability to sprint with alternate control settings.
- The ability to put custom description tags for personal garages.
- Willard Eudora and Classique Broadway with Taxi liveries will be able to complete Taxi Work jobs.
- New additions to the Creator Mode include snow and more props.
The newsletter also teased a new set of vehicles coming as part of the San Andreas Mercenaries update. This includes:
- A car (Dodge Charger EV)
- A SUV (Mitsubishi Pajero)
- A jet (F-35 Lightning)
The Mammoth Avenger will also receive fresh upgrades, including a new Operations Terminal, which players can initiate missions from. This will also eliminate the need to own a Hangar or property for accessing the aircraft.
It seems that Rockstar wants to keep players engaged and improve quality of life with the upcoming San Andreas Mercenaries summer update 2023.