GTA Online Madrazo Hits has debuted with the July 18, 2024, weekly update. This brand new daily event was added in continuation of the recent Bottom Dollar Bounties update and, as suggested by the name, will be assigned by Los Santos' notorious drug lord Martin Madrazo. However, a prerequisite is attached to this new bounty-hunting job for which you must spend a few million dollars.
Here's everything you need to know about the brand-new Madrazo Hits in GTA Online.
How to unlock GTA Online Madrazo Hits? (Daily Bounties)
To unlock GTA Online Madrazo Hits, you must own a Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement office. This bounty-hunting business was added with the Bottom Dollar Bounties update and can purchased from the in-game Maze Bank Foreclosures website.
How to start Daily GTA Online Madrazo Bounties in 2024?
Here's a step-by-step guide to start playing the Madrazo Hits missions once you own the Bail Office:
- Step 1 - Look for the Madrazo Hit location on your map. It will be marked with a purple dollar icon.
- Step 2 - Go to the location
- Step 3 - Press the button prompted in the top-left corner of your screen to start the job.
This is a daily event, which means only one hit will be available every day. Once you start it, Martin Madrazo will send an image of the target whom you will have to find and eliminate in a dedicated search area. You will also be notified about the weapon of choice for carrying out a particular hit. Once the target has been eliminated, take its picture via your in-game mobile phone, send it back to Martin Madrazo, and leave the area to complete the job.
GTA Online Madrazo Hits locations:
Once you own the Bail Enforcement office, the new daily Madrazo Hits will become available. However, its location, just like many other daily events such as G's Cache, will be different for every player in a given session. Note that it will be depicted with a purple dollar icon.
Here are all possible daily GTA Online Madrazo Hits locations:
How much do GTA Online Madrazo Hits pay?
Completing it once pays $20,000 and $500 RP. Completing the hit with the specified weapon of choice will pay an additional bonus of $10,000.
The rewards aren't much but are decent enough for an easy daily event such as this. Rockstar Games doubled the Madrazo Hits payout till July 24, 2024; however, they occasionally run extra bonuses (weekly events), so you can make a little extra sometimes.
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