The Stun Gun might be more broken than GTA Online players previously thought, as one gamer shows how a solo player can spam it.
Normally, the Stun Gun has an absurdly long recharge time of nearly 12 seconds. That long cooldown is meant to dissuade players from attempting to spam it on a single person. A group of friends could stun lock a single person, but a new video shows how a single player can do it.
It involves a somewhat complicated reload cancelation method, with video proof showing how it works. GTA Online players curious to check it out in action should check the video shown below.
GTA Online Redditor shows a video on how to spam a stun lock with a Stun Gun from the latest update
The start of the video shows how the whole reload cancel works. First, a player needs to use the Stun Gun on another player. That stun will last for almost five seconds, in which the person attempting the stun lock must do the following:
- Bring up the Interaction Menu.
- Go into Inventory.
- Select the "Enable Custom Weapon Loadout" option.
- Disable it immediately.
- Swap to the Stun Gun.
- Use the Stun Gun on somebody again.
GTA Online players can then repeat the process as often as they'd like (or until the other player leaves or dies). Hence, it makes the Stun Gun far more viable than what some players initially thought.
Note: The Stun Gun needs to be listed under "Hide" in a person's weapon locker for this trick to work.
Naturally, several Redditors in that thread are impressed by this stun lock. Judging by how everything works, it is possible for GTA Online players to stun another infinitely with the Stun Gun.
It also leaves some players wondering if Rockstar Games would ever fix this infinite stun lock, as it could cause serious griefing issues in the future.
The Stun Gun in GTA Online

GTA Online's Stun Gun costs an astonishing $375,000 at the Armory of any Agency. To purchase one, players can either go to a friend's Armory or their own and buy it. The Armory upgrade for any Agency costs $720,000, with the cheapest Agency costing $2,010,000.
It counts as a Pistol, but it has no ammunition. Also, its customization options are minimal, as GTA Online players primarily have different color schemes to pick. The gun works as one would imagine; a player fires it at somebody to stun them for a few seconds.
Simply swapping to another weapon won't cancel its long cooldown, so that's where the more complicated reload cancel comes in handy. All of those actions are easily replicable within five seconds of their victim being stunned by the Stun Gun.

An amusing part about GTA Online's Stun Gun is that it's a nerfed version of GTA 5's Stun Gun. The most noticeable nerf was the recharge time going from three seconds to 12 seconds. Hence, many players immediately dismissed it as a mediocre niche weapon, especially since the price skyrocketed from $100 to $375,000.
Still, it didn't take long for GTA Online players to know how to abuse it to its fullest extent. This reload cancel trick won't be helpful against players in moving vehicles, but it can be beneficial against on-foot enemies.