Each week, Rockstar Games updates the GTA Online Podium vehicle available at the Diamond Casino. The vehicle for the week of September 7, 2021 to September 13, 2021, is the Vulcar Nebula Turbo. The Vulcar Nebula Turbo is a two-door sedan that was added to GTA Online as part of the Diamond Casino & Resort update on August 22, 2019, during the Nebula Turbo Week event.
The Vulcar Nebula Turbo is up as the podium vehicle at the Diamond Casino and players can try their luck at winning this vehicle in the wheel spin. The Nebula Turbo is a classic sports car that can accommodate two players.
More details about GTA Online's vehicle: The Vulcar Nebula Turbo
“We know what you're thinking. Another mid-seventies brick. But think about it for a moment. A brick is only slow if you don't throw it right. And does a hollowed-out, turbo-charged brick really sound like it's that difficult to throw? That's the spirit. Batter up.” — Southern San Andreas Super Autos.
The Vulcar Nebula Turbo is based on the real-life first generation Volvo 242 two-door sedan, specifically the 242 GT. The top speed of the Nebula Turbo is 101.00 mph (162.54 km/h), as has been accurately tested by Broughy1322. The car underperforms for its class as there are many faster classic sports cars that can be bought in GTA Online.
The Vulcar Nebula Turbo is often compared to the Karin Futo when it comes to launch time and traction, but the car feels heavier and has a longer stop time. The Nebula Turbo can be purchased from the Southern S.A. Super Autos website for a price of $797,000.
The Vulcar Nebula Turbo comes in an RWD drive train weighing at 1,320 Kgs. The car has a four-speed transmission and although the name, website and branding claim the car is turbocharged, there is no sound or model to back this claim. The car has many interesting customizations available, and although there are two turbocharger upgrades to the vehicle under hood modifications, the upgrades are purely esthetic and have no effect on performance.
The Vulcar Nebula Turbo is available to win at the Diamond Casino. Considering its performance and price, it is not recommended to buy this car as there are many better cars in GTA Online that players can purchase.