GTA Online Reddit community has recently been full of posts about a monster sighting. A Redditor posted a glimpse of an urban legend to reaffirm the community's belief in it.
Something that started off as a myth in GTA San Andreas, has finally made its way into the GTA Online world.
Long ago, during the time when GTA San Andreas was just released, players started a rumor about the Loch Ness monster's presence in the game. Players joked around and named the monster Nessie.
Rumors of the Loch Ness monster continued when GTA 5 was released and players used to swim to the depths of the waters, only to find a whale skeleton instead.
But now in GTA Online, the Loch Ness monster has become a sight few players have already confirmed.
Spotting Lochness Monster surprises GTA Online Redditor
Redditor u/fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish found the Loch Ness Monster a day ago while escaping Cayo Perico and was amazed at the site of it.
The player was surprised when he noticed the Loch Ness Monster on his exit and took a screenshot to ask the community if it moves. This question was highly noted by the community and received 1015 upvotes and 85 comments.
Redditor u/Xyto commented on the post saying "Man, the Joker really went downhill after Batman died." speaking about the GTA Online character the player was using.
The fact that the Redditor asked if the Loch Ness monster was dead while having such a grim-looking character is now becoming GTA community's favorite topic on its own, while the comment itself has 86 upvotes.
u/Educational_Cause802 commented "Is your character dead?" asking the player if his character was the one that was dead instead of the monster due to the look on the characters face.
More comments started to show up about the characters face, u/george_garfunkle wrote: "He looks like a skull was saran wrapped and spray painted peach" and the community upvoted that 112 times.
All these funny jokes about the player's character started trending it on the subreddit.
Humorously, the community was more into the characters face than the fact the he had found the Loch Ness monster.
More comments on the player's character were made by u/Educational_Cause802 when the player himself tried to defend his character by saying, "He's awesome". 32 players showed him some support for that.
The player who goes by the Reddit name u/fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish sure did stir up some conversations about his character with this post, while everyone felt the need to address the elephant in the room.
He thought that the GTA community would acknowledge the monster, but they were more focused on his character's face than anything else.