All multiplayer services for Rockstar Games' titles require a Rockstar Games Social Club account, including GTA Online and Red Dead Online. It is Rockstar's very own online social platform.
It offers a seamless way to connect with friends and form a crew that works across multiple games. Players can track their game progress and use it as a social media platform. Here's how players can log in to Social Club through GTA Online.
Explaining logging into Rockstar Games Social Club from GTA Online
1) Visit the Social Club website
To begin with, players must go to the official website for Rockstar Games Social Club. Here, they will be given a choice to log in with an existing account or create a new account. They may also use their PlayStation Network or Xbox Live accounts to transfer their progress from the consoles.
Players who are signing up for the first time need to set up a "Nickname". This is basically the username that they will be identified with.
2) Sign in to Social Club through GTA 5
The subsequent step is to open GTA 5. Then, players must simply hit the Home button on the keyboard to launch Social Club. They must hit the home button again to quit the Social Club and return to GTA Online. Console players can open the Social Club popup from the main menu or the pause menu.
3) View achievements or add friends in GTA Online
Players can then view their achievements and online career statistics through their Social Club account. They can also add friends by moving to the Social Tab and choosing Find Player. Other players registered with Social Club can be added as friends via friend requests.
Players may invite friends to join them in GTA Online after starting a session. Once a friend is added to the list, they must go to My Friends and select Invite to the game. Players may also join their friends' servers using the Join Game option.