As Rockstar Games has just revealed, GTA Online's The Criminal Enterprises DLC is scheduled to arrive on July 26, 2022. It will contain new gameplay changes and several fan-requested improvements to improve the overall experience.
It will also have new content like IAA contact missions, new vehicles, new vehicle upgrades, and more.
The official patch notes for the Criminal Enterprise DLC will only be available once the update goes live. However, Rockstar has provided a long list of details related to the upcoming update.
GTA Online The Criminal Enterprises DLC: Everything revealed by Rockstar and more
GTA Online receives two significant upgrades annually, one in the winter and one in the summer, as has been customary in recent years. This new DLC will be the first one of the year and will be available on all supported platforms — PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Criminal Careers
The Criminal Enterprises update in GTA Online will expand upon the Criminal Careers of Executives, Bikers, Gunrunners, and Nightclub Owners.
- Owners of Executive Offices should be aware of a new staff manager named Lupe who will assist them in locating extra Special Cargo to fill their empty shelves.
- A new side quest will become available where a cargo of Special Cargo will be delivered to the docks daily outside their warehouse.
- Two additional sources of Special Cargo will be added to the existing Source Missions.
- MC Presidents will be able to customize client motorcycles to their desired requirements in clubhouses with the Custom Bike Shop and then return the modified motorbikes for GTA$ and RP.
- Additionally, two new Clubhouse Contracts will be provided that can be accessed from the wall of the clubhouse's conference room.
- A new Bar Resupply task will be available to gain some additional GTA$.
- Making a daily delivery to a specific Ammu-Nation store will provide an additional source of money.
- When stocking a bunker, two additional Resupply Missions will become available.
- Additionally, players can start resupply missions from the road or advance their research by obtaining information from a well-armed mark.
Nightclub Owners
- Owners of nightclubs may now call Yohan to source Goods for their warehouse or Tony to start Club Management assignments.
- There are now two additional Club Management assignments on the list.
- Users can also dispatch troublemakers from their club and deliver VIPs to off-site destinations.
New missions

Gamers will be sworn in as special IAA agents to investigate a criminal conspiracy in the new covert missions added by the latest GTA Online update. The IAA is concerned about the recent increase in gas prices because they believe the unscrupulous Duggan petrochemical family is manipulating the market to their advantage.
This gas price hike seems to be the main plot of The Criminal Enterprises, at least according to what has been revealed. Contacting Agent ULP will start a new set of missions called Operation Paper Trail, which is open to 1-4 players.
Gameplay improvements
As part of the "The Criminal Enterprises" upgrade, GTA Online will receive the following new quality-of-life enhancements:
- Reducing the efficiency of the Oppressor Mk II's homing missiles and countermeasures.
- A more practical method of getting food and armor to replenish health during combat.
- All Business activities, including Sell Missions, will now be available to play in private sessions (Invite Only, Crew, and Friends)
- Increased rewards for all races, adversary modes, the Doomsday Heist, and the original heists.
- Increased income for Bodyguards, Associates, and MC Members.
New vehicles and upgrades
The Criminal Enterprises update for GTA Online will bring in numerous new cars, as is customary for all patches:
- There will be new Tuners cars and two new Imani Tech vehicles that can be outfitted with remote control, missile lock-on jammer, and other features.
- Hao's will upgrade an existing ride, while Benny's will provide upgrades for many more vehicles.
- Later this summer, a brand-new, unique HSW car will be released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
- There will be brand-new showroom floors where gamers may test-drive or immediately buy various new vehicles.
- There will be more customization options available for existing cars, plus possibly the HSW Upgrades for next-generation consoles.
Speculations and more

Famous data miner alloc8or recently revealed that two new weapons would be included in the next update. These are the Tactical Assault Rifle and the PRCS Sniper Rifle, which can be seen in the recently published screenshots.
He also mentioned new skydiving activities connected to a skydive collectible.
The game code features new Daily Collectibles named "Buried Stashes," with the coordinates spread around the Cayo Perico Map, as discovered by well-known insider TezFunz2. Additionally, they mention the need for a Metal Detector to locate the Stashes.
The official trailer showed off some new Races taking place on Cayo Perico. This would imply that the island will be made available for free-roam exploration rather than just Heist preparations.