The Vespucci Job, an obvious reference to the famous Michael Caine starrer 'The Italian Job', is an Adversary Mode featured in GTA Online. It is a part of the Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series update.
It is a very exciting vehicular-based asymmetrical match type that pits one player against multiple opponents.
Players are divided into two teams, namely a Runner, and up to 3 Interceptors. The Runner is given a customized Issi Weeny Classic, and the Interceptors get the Vapid Police Cruisers.
The objective is fairly simple. The Runner attempts to collect all 15 checkpoints while the Interceptors try and trap the Runner. They also attempt to run out the timer before the Runner can collect all checkpoints.
GTA Online Vespucci Job Adversary Mode
The Issi Weeny Classic takes obvious inspiration from the iconic Aston Martin Mini Cooper, made famous by the movie 'The Italian Job'. The mode has seven different variations, and all 7 taking place in a different part of Los Santos.
- Vespucci Job I: takes place in West Vinewood, Del Perro, Richards Majestic, and Morningwood.
- Vespucci Job II takes place in West Vinewood, Rancho, Strawberry, and Chamberlain Hills.
- Vespucci Job III takes place in West Vinewood and Hawick.
- Vespucci Job IV takes place in Terminal
- Vespucci Job V takes place in West Vinewood and Rockford Hills.
- Vespucci Job VI takes place in West Vinewood, Textile City, Mission Row, Pillbox Hill, and Legion Square.
- Vespucci Job VII takes place in Vespucci Canals, La Puerta, and Vespucci.
"Each round, one fugitive takes the hipster mobile on the run, while everyone else jumps in a squad car to serve justice as only the LSPD know-how. It only ends one of two ways: the Runner gets all the checkpoints, or a fresh spot in the morgue."
- GTA Online description
The game mode, as a part of the Weekly Update for GTA Online, will give out Triple RP this week.