Rockstar has released the first title update for the bug-riddled GTA Definitive Edition Trilogy, just as they promised. However, fans are still unhappy and have taken to social media to express their disappointment.
The update has only arrived on PlayStation and Xbox consoles for now, and they only seem to fix the more vital defects. Unfortunately, there's still a long way to go to bring the GTA Trilogy to the quality of an average Rockstar title.
GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition receives first title update but fans remain unhappy
The Definitive Edition GTA Trilogy will be remembered for having the most disastrous launch in the GTA franchise. Although Rockstar has promised continuous updates to improve the games' quality, they can't change the fact that they were released in an unfinished state.
The GTA Trilogy games are riddled with texture bugs and glitches that are hilarious to look at. The title update seems to have done little to fix these issues, as players are still discovering more of them. However, it seems like Rockstar is currently focusing on more pressing concerns.
When it comes to texture bugs, the most defective aspect of the games are the character models. Not only do they look hilarious and poorly-made, but they glitch out in unexpected ways. The above video shows such a situation where CJ's arms have glitched out in GTA San Andreas.
Title Update 1.02 has only been released for PlayStation and Xbox consoles right now, which means that PC and Switch gamers will have to wait.
An example of a visual bug in GTA 3 Definitive Edition can be seen in the tweet above. Rockstar appears to have left it for another update because it isn't a major issue. The most noticeable visual flaw was with the rain effect, which has been corrected in the title update.
After playing all three games, fans have concluded that GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition is the most unfinished. It appears to be the least visually appealing and has many flaws.
In the games, players have discovered numerous instances of NPC AI having a pathfinding glitch. This affects NPC traffic in-game, resulting in hilarious situations where a car may plow through pedestrians on the sidewalk. Sometimes, they end up getting stuck in the map itself.
The broken state of the GTA Trilogy has led to a number of players asking for refunds. While some have been refunded almost instantly, others are yet to get their money back.
The Definitive Edition appears to be a remaster of the mobile versions of the original trilogy. Several aspects of the original games were simplified in these games, which drew criticism. Because the new games are based on these mobile ports, they appear to be lacking in some key game mechanics and details.
The mobile ports had their own set of bugs and flaws, such as the one depicted in the above tweet. Both the older mobile version and the Definitive Edition of GTA Vice City have the same broken car suspensions for the Washington and Bobcat.