The Grand Theft Auto Trilogy 2021 edition includes a few new PlayStation rewards and this GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide will go through all of them. Rockstar Games remastered some of its most popular and iconic titles from the 3D Universe and made a few changes to the trophy categories. If you are on PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4, then you should definitely aim for them.
However, GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should note that the title cannot be played as a single game. It is a combination of the following:
- GTA 3 - Definitive Edition
- GTA Vice City - Definitive Edition
- GTA San Andreas - Definitive Edition
You will have to play these games individually and earn the rewards. The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide will help you know all the necessary details regarding the trophies and the gameplay.
Note: Some parts of this GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide are subjective and only reflect the writer’s opinions.
GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide: An overview of the entire reward journey

Rockstar offers a total of 98 trophies in GTA Trilogy Remastered Edition. They are divided as follows:
- GTA 3 - Definitive Edition: 29 trophies
- GTA Vice City - Definitive Edition: 34 trophies
- GTA San Andreas - Definitive Edition: 35 trophies
The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should note that it will be a long journey and will take hours to complete.
The Platinum trophy is the highest reward in each game and every GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide reader should try to achieve it. However, before starting the journey, if your kids want to play the game, we suggest you check out the GTA Trilogy parents guide first.
Now, we will discuss all the trophies in chronological order according to the games.
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Complete list of all the trophies in GTA 3 Definitive Edition

The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should note that the 29 trophies in GTA 3 Definitive Edition are divided into the following categories:
Platinum trophy (One):
- King of Liberty City
Gold trophies (Six):
- Without a Scratch
- Wheels Up
- Liberty City Minute
- Furious First Responder
- Liberty City Secrets
- Is That All You've Got?
Silver trophies (11):
- Mob Boss
- Planned Ahead
- Got This Figured Out
- By a Mile
- Where To?
- A Gift from the King
- Man Toyz
- Splish Splash
- Playing Doctor
- Going Rogue
- Dirty Money
Bronze trophies (11):
- First Day on the Job
- Escape Artist
- Disposing of the Evidence
- Street Sweeper
- Wreckless Driving
- Come Out to Play-y-y-y
- Full Artillery
- A Marked Man
- Offshore Delivery
- Not So Fast
- Right-hand Man

The following are the conditions to unlock all the trophies in GTA 3 Definitive Edition:
- First Day on the Job: Complete the Luigi's Girls mission.
- Without a Scratch: Deliver Mike Lips' car without a scratch on the first attempt.
- Escape Artist: Use 20 police bribes.
- Disposing of the Evidence: Crush a car at the junkyard.
- Mob Boss: Keep the two mafia members alive during the Triads and Tribulations mission.
- Street Sweeper: Waste 100 gang members.
- Planned Ahead: Take out Chunky Lee Chong with a car rigged with a bomb.
- Got This Figured Out: Use a coach to pick up all eight prostitutes in the mission The Fuzz Ball.
- By a Mile: Complete the Turismo race in under 180 seconds.
- Wreckless Driving: Perform a perfect insane stunt.
- Wheels Up: Complete 20 unique jumps.
- Come Out to Play-y-y-y: Kill 25 gang members with melee weapons/fists.
- Where To?: Complete 100 taxi fares.
- Liberty City Minute: Survive with less than 10 hp for one minute.
- Full Artillery: Use every weapon in the game at least once.
- A Marked Man: Complete the Last Requests mission.
- Offshore Delivery: Complete the A Drop in the Ocean mission.
- Not So Fast: Complete The Exchange mission.
- A Gift from the King: Complete the Kingdom Come mission.
- Man Toyz: Complete every RC Toyz mission.
- Splish Splash: Extinguish 15 fires during a single Fire Truck mission.
- Playing Doctor: Reach level 12 in the Paramedic mission.
- Going Rogue: Kill 15 criminals during one Vigilante mission.
- Dirty Money: Amass a fortune of $1,000,000.
- Right-hand Man: Earn a criminal rating of 2,500.
- Furious First Responder: Complete Paramedic, Firefighter, Vigilante missions.
- Liberty City Secrets: Collect 100 hidden packages.
- Is That All You've Got?: Achieve 100% completion.
- King of Liberty City: Unlock all trophies.
Once these trophies are unlocked, the GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should aim for the Vice City Definitive Edition trophies.
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Complete list of all the trophies in Vice City Definitive Edition

The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should remember the following classification for the 34 trophies in Vice City:
Platinum trophy (one):
- Kingpin
Gold trophies (five):
- Salutations My Little Friend
- Somebody Call the Wambulance?
- Chopper’d Up
- City Sleuth
- Done it All
Silver Trophies (nine):
- Running Rampant
- Iron-y
- Not my First Time
- One is Better Than Two
- Point A to Point B
- High Quality H2O
- Daredevil
- Grand Theft Auto
- Take the Cannoli
Bronze Trophies (19):
- Born in the 80’s
- Pie Guy
- Bull in a China Shop
- Vice City Mogul
- Catch Me if You Can
- Greasy Palms
- Just Like the Real Thing
- Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie
- Gun for Hire
- I'm Famous!
- Don't Need Roads
- Legal Counsel
- Life of the Party
- South American Connection
- Big Heat from Little Havana
- Chauffeur
- Tommy Two-Wheels
- Bloodstained Hands
- Mischief Managed

The following are the conditions to unlock all the trophies in Vice City Definitive Edition:
- Born in the 80’s: Listen to all music stations at least once.
- Running Rampant: Reach level 12 in the Vigilante mission.
- Iron-y: Kill the property developer with a Golf Club during the Four Iron mission.
- Not my First Time: Complete the mission G-Spotlight without falling from the rooftops.
- One is Better Than Two: Perform a 30-second wheelie.
- Point A to Point B: Drop off 25 passengers driving the taxi mission.
- High Quality H2O: Extinguish 10 fires.
- Pie Guy: Deliver 10 pizzas.
- Bull in a China Shop: Cause property damage worth $1,000,000.
- Vice City Mogul: Own 10 properties.
- Salutations My Little Friend: Use the M4 to take out Diaz during the Rub Out mission.
- Catch Me if You Can: Achieve a six-star wanted level.
- Somebody Call the Wambulance?: Reach level 12 in the Paramedic mission.
- Greasy Palms: Use a police bribe to reduce your wanted level.
- Just Like the Real Thing: Win the RC Bandit Race mission.
- Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie: Earn a high score of 5 with the Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball.
- Gun for Hire: Complete all assassination contracts.
- I'm Famous!: Earn the Stuff of Legends media attention rank.
- Don't Need Roads: Hit max speed in a Deluxo.
- Daredevil: Complete 36 unique jumps.
- Legal Counsel: Complete the Riot mission.
- Life of the Party: Complete the All Hands on Deck! mission.
- South American Connection: Complete the Supply & Demand mission.
- Big Heat from Little Havana: Complete the Trojan Voodoo mission.
- Chauffeur: Complete the Publicity Tour mission.
- Tommy Two-Wheels: Complete the Hog Tied mission.
- Grand Theft Auto: Retrieve every wanted vehicle at Sunshine Autos Import Garage.
- Bloodstained Hands: Earn the Butcher criminal rating.
- Take the Cannoli: Earn the Godfather criminal rating.
- Mischief Managed: Complete the Keep Your Friends Close... mission.
- Chopper’d Up: Kill all hostile NPCs during the Demolition Man mission using the RC chopper’s blades.
- City Sleuth: Find all 100 hidden packages.
- Done it All: Earn 100 percent completion.
- Kingpin: Unlock all trophies.
Once you master both GTA 3 and Vice City, the GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide advises you to go for the San Andreas Definitive Edition trophies.
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Complete list of all the trophies in San Andreas Definitive Edition

There are 35 trophies in San Andreas and GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should know the classification first:
Platinum trophy (one):
- I Ain't No Buster
Gold trophies (five):
- Swiss Army Strife
- They Can’t Stop All of Us
- Today Was a Good Day
- Ain’t Nothing But a G Thing
- Remastered
Silver Trophies (eight):
- A Legitimate Business
- School's Out
- What the City Needs
- Saviour
- Rescue a Kitten Too?
- Yes I Speak English
- Not a Player
- Original Gangster
Bronze Trophies (21):
- Getting Started
- With Extra Dip
- The End of the Line
- Hoopin' it Up
- I’ll Have Two Number 9s
- The American Dream
- Pay 'n' Spray
- Bike or Biker
- Who Needs Directions?
- Liberty City State of Mind
- Horror of the Santa Maria
- Smooth Moves
- Lucky Spinner
- What happens in Las Venturas…
- All Dressed Up for San Fierro
- What are the Odds
- Double or Nothin'
- Assassin
- Public Enemy No. 1
- Chick Magnet
- ...Here we go again

Here are all the unlock conditions for San Andreas trophies:
- Getting Started: Complete the Big Smoke mission.
- With Extra Dip: Buy eight meals from Cluckin' Bell throughout the game.
- The End of the Line: Complete the End of the Line mission.
- Hoopin' it Up: Score 30 points in the basketball mini-game.
- I’ll Have Two Number 9s: Reach the maximum fat level of CJ.
- The American Dream: Purchase any of the in-game houses.
- Pay 'n' Spray: Use the Pay 'n' Spray shop with a wanted level.
- Bike or Biker: Complete the BMX or NRG challenge.
- Who Needs Directions?: Find Mike Toreno at the Easter Bay Airport without going to the other locations.
- Liberty City State of Mind: Complete the Saint Mark's Bistro mission.
- Horror of the Santa Maria: Get wasted by drowning.
- Smooth Moves: Complete a perfect dancing minigame without missing a rhythm.
- Lucky Spinner: Win at least $1,000 in a single spin of the Wheel of Fortune.
- What happens in Las Venturas…: Complete the Yay Ka-Boom-Boom missions and unlock the map of Las Venturas.
- All Dressed Up for San Fierro: Complete The Green Sabre mission and unlock the map of San Fierro.
- What are the Odds: Bet on a horse and win a race at the Inside Track.
- Double or Nothin': Put all your money or the maximum bet on red or black and win.
- Assassin: Kill eight guards in the Madd Dogg's Rhymes mission without getting detected.
- Public Enemy No. 1: Get a six-star wanted level.
- Chick Magnet: Achieve maximum sex appeal.
- ...Here we go again: Start a new game after completing the game 100%.
- A Legitimate Business: Export all cars from the three lists to the Easter Basin Docks.
- School's Out: Fully complete a vehicle school mission.
- What the City Needs: Reach level 12 in the Vigilante mission.
- Saviour: Reach level 12 in the Paramedic mission.
- Rescue a Kitten Too?: Reach level 12 in the Firefighter mission.
- Yes, I Speak English: Complete 50 taxi missions.
- Not a Player: Go on a date with all the in-game girlfriends.
- Original Gangster: Reach the maximum level of respect.
- Swiss Army Strife: Use all weapons until the weapon skill meters are maxed out.
- They Can’t Stop All of Us: Sneak into the underground base of Area 69 without setting off the alarms.
- Today Was a Good Day: Spend an in-game day without committing crimes.
- Ain’t Nothing But a G Thing: Take over every turf in gang warfare, purchase all properties, and have at least $1,000,000 in the bank.
- Remastered: Complete the game to 100 percent.
- I Ain't No Buster: Unlock all trophies.
The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide readers should note that achieving the trophies in San Andreas will take the most time, as it was one of the biggest and most ambitious projects of Rockstar from the Grand Theft Auto series. Nonetheless, unlocking the Platinum trophies in all three titles is undoubtedly one of the best feelings.
However, players should not make silly mistakes such as using cheat codes, speedrunning techniques, glitches, etc. The GTA Trilogy Remastered trophy guide advises you to keep the gameplay clean and play as Rockstar Games intended to avoid any errors regarding unlocking trophies.
Also read: GTA San Andreas walkthrough guide